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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Naruto 496

Bee leads the others through a passage way flanked by headless statues, which Yamato remarks must be ancient and priceless. Naruto asks how he's supposed to fight the Kyuubi, which Yamato remarks is foolish. Bee offers that you can't control a Bijuu without a little craziness. He explains how the room beyond is one of purification which will let him speak to the Kyuubi. To enter, a Jinchuuriki has to stick their head into the gaping mouth of the animal on the wall, should any evil remain in his heart, the jaws will snap shut, removing his head as happened to the other Jinchuuriki they saw on the way in.

Yamato offers such a thing is too dangerous and directs Naruto to use a clone, but Bee yells that the temple is sacred and won't be fooled by such tricks. Naruto affirms he has to believe in himself and sticks his head in. Quickly he yells out in alarm and Yamato rushes to his aid to pull him out. Yamato looks on in horror as Naruto's body stands decapitated. Suddenly Naruto pulls down his shirt, revealing his head was okay. He explains that there was only a switch inside and that he knew Yamato would fall for his joke. Bee bursts out in laughter, offering he did the exact same thing when he did it. A door opens, revealing a chamber of white light.

Bee explains that Naruto should go inside and focus like at the falls to commune with the Kyuubi. He asks Naruto what kind of seal he has and Naruto explains it's Four Element. Bee calls the seal impressive, being better than his Iron Armor seal. He then asks Naruto if he has the key, which he affirms he does. Yamato questions the sanity of such action, asking what will they do if they can't stop the Kyuubi? Bee states they'll seal it inside, as the chamber was made for precisely that purpose. Bee questions if they'll bail if things go bad, but Naruto says they won't. He has to learn to control the Kyuubi. The door closes and Naruto and Bee soon sit and join fist to fist. He directs Naruto to remove the seal and Naruto soon stands before the Kyuubi's prison in his soul. Naruto compliments the beast on looking as evil as ever and the Kyuubi reacts in surprise, questioning that he can't sense Naruto's real self any longer.

Naruto offers that the real him is standing before the prison. He tears away the seal on the door, revealing another lock underneath. The Kyuubi asks what he's doing and Naruto directs him to just watch. Lifting his shirt, Naruto extends his arm which soon displays a key mark. He grabs the seal on his stomach and it begins to swirl and unlock as the lock on the cage does the same. With the seal unlocked the Kyuubi swipes out, knocking the doors open. Naruto is thrown backwards and the Kyuubi roars. Bee directs Naruto to trap the Kyuubi's chakra with his own and then rip it out. Tentacles soon wrap the Kyuubi to pin it in place. Bee directs Naruto to pull out the Kyuubi chakra and take it into his own. The Kyuubi severs the tentacles and Bee offers his apologies that he can't use his full power in Naruto's soul. Bee offers that while Naruto tries to pull out the Kyuubi chakra, the beast will try to pull out Naruto's. Should Naruto go to zero chakra, he'll die. The Kyuubi is amused, recognizing that Naruto is finally trying to take control of his powers. Naruto yells out that he's ready for the challenge...

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