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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 492: Meeting of the Two Hosts

The final two jinchuriki have outlasted the rest but now fate has made them meet.
Naruto : this guy is awesome
Cloud guy : Killerbee-sama this boy is the Kyuubi jinchuuriki
Naruto: sage of the leaf that's me
Killerbee: yo what's yo' name
Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto
Killerbee: cool
Naruto: yo a wise person said you'd I would meet you but how did you turn from octopus to human
Yamato: he's the hachibi jinchuuriki
Naruto: ...
Killerbee: i'm killerbee the hachibi it was my destiny.
Naruto: it makes perfect sense
Killerbee: what young fella
Naruto: supersage said I will meet an octopus and your A jinchuuriki who can control your bijuu so your meant to teach me how to control the kyuubi
Yamato: ...makes sense
Killerbee: let's get movin' 'n' groovin' till ya get control o' dat bijuu, that cool?
Naruto: whatever you sayread and submitted only at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/(Scene changes)
Tsunade: so we know where to put the jinchuuriki but what about if akatsuki attacks.
Raikage: I'll be assembling a platoon to keep a watchful eye on Naruto and Bee and if anything happens they'll let us know.
Mei: what about military power?
Raikage: I want a list of all the shinobo of the ninja villages and rankings previous missions and give to Tsunade.
Tsuchikage: yes
Raikage: from there Konoha will assemble squads of ninjas that best work with each other.
Tsunade: understood!
Tsuchikage: it's most likely akatsuki will attack very soon though where will they attack
Raikage: Konoha!
Mei: why??
Raikage: konoha received a beating last time akatsuki invaded and konoha is still weak that's why it's likely that due to the village's state madara will attack Konoha
Tsunade: I see Raikage I'll make sure konoha will be prepared
Tsuchikage: ninja forces are of the essence though when it comes to Madara anything's possible.
Raikage: I agree.
Mei: We need to keep strong contact so we need a meeting point convenient for all of us in any urgent situation.
Tsuchikage: I'm too old for such tiring trips.
Tsunade: we'll meet up at the borders of Konoha as our rendezvous point since Konoha is in the middle of the five great nations.
Raikage: sure can do
Tsuchikage: ok
Raikage: meeting dismissed.

(Scene change)
Unknown ninja: I have received word from the other villages that the 4th ninja war will commence soon.
???: It's been a long time since the previous war and i'm here to protect my village my way and to think Madara would go ahead with it so soon.
(The person can be seen)
Konan: The moon's eye plan is one thing though there are other uses for the tailed beasts that may sway the odds in his favour.
Unknown ninja: what's that??

(Scene change)
Madara: Zetsu we need to prepare for this war akatsuki us at an all time low.
Black Zetsu: So what?
White Zetsu: don't ya get
Madara: yeah zetsu I give you that task before we go for attack.
(zetsu leaves)
Anko(in thought) my presence hasn't been detected yet, how much info can I get without being caught.
(suddenly a shadowy figure appears)
???:Konoha eh I thought you'd follow me !
Anko: damn you kabuto!
Kabuto: not so fast Anko I not here to harm you
Anko: what??
Kabuto: i'm more so here for a deal
Anko: what kinda deal
Kabuto: simple Madara has accepted me into Akatsuki I'll keep an eye on them like your spy though for something in return
Anko: for what?

(Scene change)
Naruto: So what type of ninja are you
Killerbee:"You know I’m bad,just last week, I murdered a rock,
Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick.
I’m so mean, I make medicine sick."
Naruto: woah man you're an awesome rapper.
(suddenly a large mutated leopard appears)
Yamato: Shit what s beast
Killerbee: I'll take care o'dat
(killerbee transforms into 4 tails state and does a mini menacing ball destroying the area)
Naruto: what an awesome technique!
Yamato: you used that technique against orochimaru.
Naruto: you serious!!??
Killerbee returns to his normal state.
Naruto: let's get going teach me how to control the kyuubi of mine.
Killerbee: Teach?
Naruto: yeah what's wrong?
Killerbee: it's just that I'm always the student not the teacher so I don't know how to
Naruto: This is gonna be a tough one!

Kabuto wants to propose a deal with Anko, Killerbee just doesn't know what to do what next??
Next time: Naruto's lesson

Next Chapter : Naruto 493: Dilemma

Naruto 485 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 486 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 487 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 488 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 489 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 490 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 491 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 493 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 494 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 495 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 496 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 497 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 501 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 506 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 508 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 509 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 510 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 511 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 512 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 513 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 514 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 515 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 516 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 517 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 518 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 519 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 520 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

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