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Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

Naruto 502: Act 1

(Inside the watch tower, the three threat detection squad members are sitting under a huge transparent orb that has all of Konoha’s coordinates in check. Immediately, Minato appears in the middle of the room, alerting the detection squad.)
Detection Member 1: “Lord Hokage?”
Detection Member 2: “What are you doing here, 4th?”
Detection Member 3: “We detect no presences, sir. Please, return home, all is well.”
Minato: “In a short time, this village will be under attack by the Kyuubi!” (The threat detection unit gets riled up and starts panicking so Minato calms them down. )
Minato: “Enough! Sound the siren, the village is on code red alert. Send the police force from the barracks to guard the perimeter! Make sure the commander of the police force is in radio contact. I’ll take the rest from here.”

(Minato then vanishes in a cloud of smoke. All across the village, shinobi are rushing to the meet up point as the siren rings loud in the night. The Tasked force, who are Uchiha, are racing to their posts. In a courtyard, Minato stands in front of it, having an audience with the crowd of shinobi. Not a second later, the five most venerable of elders part the crowd as they move up to meet with the Hokage. They are Mitokado Homura, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu, Shimura Danzou, and Uchiha Kagami.
As the crowd is in uproar, the top brass converse amongst themselves. We can’t determine what is going on due to the crowd speaking their minds, they are all in frenzy about the Kyuubi appearing. The top brass nods and then says their parting words.)
Minato: “I’m moving out.” (Sarutobi with a tear in his eye, maybe from hearing that is wife passed away, shouts.)
Sarutobi: “ATTENTION!” (Immediately the crowd silences.)
Homura: “The Hokage has specifically asked for Inoichi, Shikaku, and Chozua to accompany him. Those three are to bring their most potent clansmen with them! The ones who were singled out will await further orders from the Hokage!”
Koharu: “The rest of you will bind the Kyuubi down for an assault with snare chains! We will supply you with such and with instructions!” (Danzou glares at Kagami.)
Kagami: “…..”
Sarutobi: “NOW, GET IN FORMATION!” (The Shinobi scramble about, and the ones following the Hokage, rushes to accompany him. The scene switches to after everyone left the area. Kagami is seen walking down the now barren streets of Konoha; it seems the villagers are now stored safely away. Kagami activates sharingan, turns around and barely avoids a fatal strike from Danzou’s Kunai as it graces Kagami’s cheek. Kagami smacks the kunai out of Danzou’s hand as Danzou backs up, separating himself from Kagami.)
Kagami: “Old friend… Why?”
Danzou: “Hokage's description of what was going on, the Kyuubi was being controlled like a pet by a single man. If I remember this correctly, wasn't it not Uchiha Madara who tried to steal the Kyuubi from our dearest Founder?”

(Kagami sweats a little.)
Kagami: “…..”
Danzou: “Funny how there's been talk of the Uchiha succeeding us. And there's an Uchiha in the correct position to allow such with the kind influential power he has.”
Kagami: “You, of all people. The last of my teammates serving under Tobirama sensei... You know how I, an Uchiha, wouldn't go back on his curtsy towards our kind after all of the suspicions tossed at us."
Danzou: “You shit on his trust, you defect to the enemy. Though sensei had his eyes on you all, he was- (Danzou is drawing out his Wakizashi [or is it a kodatchi?] as Kagami gets on guard, Danzou utters his last three words as the blade rushes straight through Kagami’s torso.) JUST TOO LAX!” (Kagami’s body hits the ground.)
Danzou: “Uchiha’s reign ends now. As a defender from the underworld, none of this will get out.”
Kagami: “MYYY SOONNN STILL LIVES ONNN! FUGAKUUU AHH, AHH, AHHH [Soul Caliber like echoing death cry]!” (Soon, two Root Shinobi approaches Danzou from behind.)
Danzou: “Clean up this mess one of you. And for the other one, keep an eye on Fugaku’s eldest son. I have a feeling we may be able to create a weapon from within them.” (The scene switches over to the battle field. The Kyuubi, who is faltering but still pushing on, is now on the outskirts of Konoha, facing off against the shinobi. Many are dead, scattered across the field.

Various pieces of chains are shattered and are littered across the field. In one area, Inoichi emerges from a pile of corpses, which are seemingly blown away from the immediate battle, in another area, Shikaku does the same, and in another area, Chozua does the same. Apparently, their most potent clansmen have died. All three of them look to the Kyuubi and notices that the 4th, on top of Gamabunta, has not given in. Many of the shinobi are now frighten and rushes away in terror.

The scene focuses on an apparent feeling man who comes across the corpses of two shinobi snuggled together. They are a couple, a man and a women, he notices a locket on the woman’s neck. He picks it up and notices that it is a picture of a young child, it resembles Iruka. The Scene switches over to the immediate action. Gamabunta, with Minato on top, hops into the sky and attempts to downward slash at the Kyuubi’s head with his dagger, however the Kyuubi swings its paw to guard so Gamabunta turns his swing into a defensive position and blocks the attack, though he is blown far away.

Minato instantly hops off and tries to land on top of the Kyuubi. On Minato’s mid-section, his shirt is torn away, revealing something that resembles 4th element seal on his stomach, behind him, is the Reaper God, of course no one can see it. Before the Kyuubi can swipe at him with his paw, Minato tosses a marked Kunai through the air, it sores over the Kyuubi, as the Kyuubi swipes, Minato resurfaces on the Kyuubi’s back. Minato yells out as he clinches the Kyuubi’s back with both of his hands.

He is trying to suck the Kyuubi away, however he notices that the tails are arcing towards his position, so he speeds off and lands into the field of corpses with amazing force. He is injured with blood and scratches all over, and more of uniform is in tatters. He rips of his cloak, but is soon approached by Inoichi, Chouza, and Shikaku.
Shikaku: “Sir, we’re at your disposal.”
Inoichi: “We won’t let you die alone.”
Chouza: “It looks weakened, we’ll fight it together.” (Minato, who is breathing deeply, wipes his face.)
Minato: “Heh, look at me, surrounded by legends in the making.”

(All three of them are shocked upon hearing that statement.)
Minato: “BUNTA!” (Gamabunta lands near them. He is injured.)
Gamabunta: “We’re all going to die.”
Minato: “Not now Bunta! Guys, I want you to put everything you have into pinning him down. The Kyuubi has gone up against the mightiest wave of what Konoha had to give. It’s time we put it down.” (They all agree. Minato hops on top of Gamabunta.)
Minato (in thought): “I didn’t want to have to listen to the elders, but it looks like I’m forced to play my last hand; the Kyuubi’s chakra is just too much. Forgive me, Naruto, I can’t seal it all away from this world. But, at least, at least you’ll-…” (Minato remembers back to before he set out to warn the village. He was in his office. He encrypted a code onto a long scroll. He then summons Gerotora.)
Minato: “Take care of him, Jiraiya sama.”

(The scene switches back to the present. Chozua increases to a comparable size of the Kyuubi. He enlarges his fist and downward punches the Kyuubi in the head. Chozua then runs out of gas and faints. Before the Kyuubi can regain its posture, Shikaku uses a multi-layered shadow binding technique and binds the Kyuubi from the limbs to its tails.

Before the Kyuubi breaks free, Inoichi makes a unique handseal and invades the mind of the Kyuubi. Inoichi sees the sharingan and screams in pain.)

Inoichi: “NOOOO! I WON’T BE OVERTAKEN!” (He snaps out though, and faints before Gamabunta diagonally slashes with his blade, but it shatters from all of the wear and tear.)
Gamabunta: “ I’M NOT THAT FOR GONE!” (Gamabunta drops his blade and headbutts the Kyuubi, and Gamabunta bunta knocks himself out. Minato looks to Shikaku, the only standing one.)
Minato: “How long can you keep it up!”
Shikaku: “I’ll die before I let him go.”
Minato: “Wait here, I’m going to end this NOW!” (Minato vanishes in a cloud of smoke and appears near his wife and Naruto. Minato is scared as he sees that Kushina’s face looks absent of color.)
Minato (in thought): “I hope I’m not too late.”

Naruto 503: The Sealing

Naruto 485 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 486 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 487 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 488 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 489 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 490 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 491 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 493 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 494 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 495 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 496 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 497 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 501 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 506 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 508 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 509 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 510 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 511 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 512 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 513 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 514 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 515 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 516 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 517 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 518 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 519 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 520 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

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