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Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Naruto 502

Itachi comforts his brother and questions why his parents had to leave now of all times. Elsewhere Guy pleads for a more hot-blooded contest with Kakashi. Kakashi ignores his rival and questions the odd feeling in the air. At the Hokage Administration building Sandaime is suddenly shaken from his work and looks outside. In the village the masked man strikes the ground to summon, unleashing the Kyuubi in the middle of the village. The beast roars, causing massive devastation.

ANBU immediately move to alert Sandaime. He says he knows and straps tight his battle gear. He questions if Kushina's seal failed and states he'll handle the Kyuubi while everyone else tries to save the villagers. The Kyuubi notices Yondaime standing on Hokage mountain and unleashes a concentrated chakra blast. Yondaime offers that he won't let this happen and holds one of his Hiraishin tagged kunai in front of him. The attack is suddenly absorbed and teleported miles outside the village for detonation. The ninja of the village recognize Yondaime in action and Sandaime tells the ANBU to move out.

Minato affirms that he has to tell Sandaime what's going on as the masked man reaches out to him from behind. He quickly turns to stab the man but his arm phases through. The masked man re-solidifies to grab onto Minato's arm and then begins to warp them both away. As they spin away, Minato disappears leaving the masked man to compliment Minato's speed at doing his own teleportation. He offers though that the next time they touch he'll warp him. Minato lands outside the village near one of his marked kunai and tries to figure out the man's identity. The man swirls into existence before him and Minato quickly considers everything the man has done, from knowing about Kushina's seal, to defeating the ANBU, to being able to bypass the barrier. He asks the man if he's Uchiha Madara, but says that can't be, as Madara is dead.

The man lowers his hood and says maybe not? Minato concludes it doesn't matter in any case, why attack Konoha? Tobi offers that his plan is to start war to bring peace. Minato firms up, and considers that the man excels at space-time manipulation and can control the Kyuubi, which makes him even more dangerous than the fox. He affirms he has to kill the man and thinks that the Kyuubi can't be controlled for too long. So while Sandaime handles the Kyuubi, he'll have to take out the masked man.

Tobi charges and offers there's no hope. As he phases through Minato, a chain attached to his arms remains solid. It wraps around Minato but he teleports a short distance away. Minato realizes that the only time he can strikes is when the man remains solid, so it'll come down to a battle of speed to see who inflicts damage first. They charge each other and Minato launches one of his marked kunai. It phases through Tobi's head as he reaches for Minato. Time crawls still as the skilled ninja make their moves. As the kunai passes through Tobi, Minato raises his arm with a Rasengan. Tobi's hand makes contact with Minato to warp him away but in an instant Minato teleports to the kunai to unleash the Rasengan into Tobi's back. The speed duel ends as Minato closes his hand, effortlessly catching the kunai that he threw just moments before. He then offers to the masked man the jutsu he used was Hiraishin level two...

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