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Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Naruto 505

Naruto responds to his now-departed mother, offering that he'll promise to eat more vegetables and that he takes baths and sleeps, but probably too much. He has a lot of friends, but one who has given him grief. He had a hard time in school but didn't let it get him down, he respects his teaches and he learned about the three vices from Jiraiya. He's just as they remembered him, but he was a great man. He affirms that he's Uzumaki Naruto, a Hidden Leaf ninja who dreams of becoming Hokage, a leader to surpass all the previous Hokage. He promises will become a bigger bad ass than his father and a stronger shinobi than his mother.

In reality Naruto opens his eyes and lets out an exclamation of victory. Naruto fist bumps Bee who offers congratulations. Yamato tries to get updated on Naruto's status as the two Jinchuuriki exchange knowing words. An annoyed Yamato yells out for them to actually explain what happened and let him in on it too. Elsewhere Guy yells out in encouragement after learning of Naruto's trials from Aoba and Motoi. He asks to be taken to Naruto and Aoba apologizes for his teammate's hot-bloodedness. In the waterfall, Naruto explains how the Kyuubi chakra is actually sectioned off within him, which he can access when needed. Internally we see Naruto standing among gates with a large chakra sphere above him.

He lifts his arm as some chakra leaves the ball and enters his body. In reality Naruto takes on the flaming Rikudou form marked with the seal on his chest. Yamato remarks on Naruto being so full of life energy, as his wood beam creations suddenly spark to life and begin growing on their own. Naruto is suddenly struck with a new sense and asks if the person thought he could hide. Yamato and Bee react in confusion, asking if Naruto is sensing a presence they're missing. In Samehada, Kisame is shocked that Naruto could tell the difference between his and Samehada's chakra. Naruto explains that it's not chakra, but an evil presence in the sword. Samehada's spikes extend as the sword leaps from Bee's back and skitters away with Kisame's head poking out.

Kisame remarks that Naruto can sense hatred and negative emotions, something even sensor-types cannot do. Emerging from the sword Kisame offers that the Kyuubi has given Naruto interesting new powers. Naruto recognizes Kisame and Bee questions how he's still alive. Kisame offers that he was perfectly cloned but it's not important. In any case two Jinchuuriki and a Mokuton user are two much for him. Bee asks how he got inside and Kisame flees, offering he was spying the whole time. As he approaches the door, he is quickly smashed into the wall by Naruto.

Bee raps that Naruto used a teleport jutsu and a smash but all he saw was a yellow flash. As Kisame bleeds from the mouth, he flees. Naruto is unable to follow as his leg is now stuck in the wall. Yamato directs Bee to follow Kisame as he helps Naruto. Outside Guy learns that Naruto used the falls to triumph over his true self. Guy is surprised but offers some hesitance at using the falls for himself. Aoba mocks Guy, asking if he's afraid to see who he really is. Guy jumps before the falls, taking the challenge to heart. Aoba jokes that he was just kidding, Guy's true self probably isn't even human. From within the falls a voice mocks Guy for continuing to talk about youth, as it's not healthy for old men to push themselves.

The voice offers that he understands why he talks that way around Lee, but no one else wants to hear it. The words enrage Guy and he demands the shadow figure show himself. The voice says okay and moves to exit the falls. At that same moment, Kisame bursts forth, still using Samehada to maneuver. Guy is shocked, wondering if his true self if some strange bug. Kisame recognizes Guy as the other boasts that he will beat his lost youth back into his true self. Aoba yells out that the creature is not Guy's inner self but the hot-blooded ninja is already on the move, delivering a powerful elbow strike into Samehada. As Kisame and his sword smash into the rock face beyond, a confused Bee emerges from the falls...

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