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Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Naruto 509

Madara questions if Naruto was worth betraying him for. Konan replies that Naruto is light personified, anyone who meets him believes in the flower called "hope." Madara questions why she is still wearing her cloak and she retorts it doesn't belong to him. "Akatsuki" was made by Yahiko, and the blood red cloud over Rain was important to them first. Calling Madara a mere coat-tail rider she unfurls into paper and says the Rinnegan belongs to Nagato and is their treasure too.

She hurls paper shuriken which passes through Madara and he offers that she's wrong, Madara himself influenced Yahiko to create the group and it was he himself for gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. Konan is thrown by the words and Madara calls her a confused child, who is only important because she knows where Nagato lies hidden. She forms wings and launches a multitude of paper to prevent his escape, but Madara manages to swirl away. As he does so he notices explosive tags mixed into the paper cloud.

We flashback to the past, as Yahiko directs Nagato to rest; he himself will run recon in the troubled sector. A short time later in the rain, Yahiko prepares to leave and asks Konan to look after Nagato, as the he is the one who will truly change the world. Konan offers that they joined to follow Yahiko himself, as they all believe in him. Yahiko answers that Nagato is the true bridge to peace, and he'll be the pillar that supports that bridge. Looking to the rain he offers that Rain is still crying, like he did when he was young, and he needs to save it.

He jumps to leave and a short time later Nagato tells Konan that Yahiko is the true bridge, they all believe in him. He yells for the others to move out and the group leaves to assist their leader. Konan considers that she'll support both their bridges and we return to the present. As the burning paper settles, Madara stands wounded, having his right arm and half his mask shorn off. He admits that he took her too lightly and says he knows she tried to self-sacrifice and take them both out, but he managed to teleport most of the explosion away in time.

He asks if she's finished and she responds by asking if he truly understands why they betrayed him. Raising her arms she yells out that he is darkness, as he seeks to create a world where flowers would wither and die. Suddenly the sea below Madara splits into a mass of paper, as the true nature of the sea reveals itself...

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