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Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Naruto 511

Madara closes Nagato's eyes and swirls the man away. He then leaves the tomb as well. Elsewhere Konan lies unconscious in the water as her life fades. A blood soaked paper sheets soon takes flight and we flash back to the past. Jiraiya leads his pupils in security training by having them wear toad costumes. He shows them a warning card marked with each of their names; one side is marked with a toad face and the other solid red. When “in” the hideout, the card should show red.

When they leave they should move it to the “out” white toad side. The students question Jiraiya's toad puns and need for such action. He warns them that the area is still dangerous and this will help. Konan offers understanding, if they are missing and their card is red, it means they may have been captured, and if they're present but the toad is showing it will mean someone is impersonating them, as the imposter would be ignorant of the card's purpose and fail to change it. Jiraiya congratulates her perception and shows them an emergency escape door they might need. Jiraiya then voices encouragement for more toad inspired training and leads them outside. An enthused Yahiko follows and Nagato questions if Yahiko really understood everything. Konan and Nagato grin and Yahiko unleashes his own smug smile.

Jiraiya yells at the boy for not turning his card like he should and we jump through time as his training with the students advances. Jiraiya bids goodbye to his pupils and his card remains toad side “out” in their house. The trio continues their journey into adulthood, fighting battles and training. Konan shares an intimate moment with Yahiko as she bandages his wounds. Nagato remains just outside having left his card "out" as he smiles knowingly. More time passes and the trio now have followers. They reason they're now too big for their hideout and they bid it goodbye.

They mark it as the place they learned to become strong and offer they'll now set out to make their dream come true. Konan turns her card over to toad side "out" and before Nagato and Yahiko can do the same, explosive tagged kunai strike the building. They flee through the escape hatch as enemy ninja enter the building to find it empty. Yahiko marks that as a fitting end to their time there and then tells them to move out. In the present as the bloody paper flies through the air, we see Yahiko saying that they'll return one day when their dream has come true, no matter how much they're separated.

The paper continues its journey, entering the ruined and overgrown structure of the trio's former home. The blood red paper lands over Konan's lone toad side "out" card, marking her as now being home with Nagato and Yahiko. Yahiko’s words continue, offering that when that day comes that they return home, they'll celebrate a job well done. And they'll have to tell Jiraiya-sensei as well. As we see Jiraiya's card as having been turned over to red "in" side as well by the weed growth we cut to the current Akatsuki base.

Wearing a new concentric circle Rinnegan mask marked by Sharingan tomoe, Madara sits holding his large battle fan. Kabuto offers that it appears he ran into trouble but he got some new eyes out of it. Madara says the eyes were always his and Zetsu reveals they just received Kisame's info scroll. A confident Madara stands and declares it's now time to capture the Kyuubi...

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