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Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Juin Jutsu Branch Family Cursed Seal

Juin Jutsu - Hyuuga Branch Family Seal (Manga)

Wearer: Hyuuga Branch Family

This seal is attached to the members of the Hyuuga Branch Family. It is placed on the family member at birth to ensure the secrets of the Byakugan do not fall into enemy hands. It also ensures the Branch member follows the orders of the Main House. When the seal is placed on the Branch members forehead, their mind can be destroyed by a hand seal known only by the Main family.

Please note: This is a variation on what is commonly known as a swastika, which had its origins several thousand years before the Nazi came to power. It was usually known as a symbol of good luck and protection. This variation is probably meant to be the Buddhist symbol for Buddha's heart and mind.

Juin Jutsu - Hyuuga Branch Family Seal (Anime and English Manga)

Wearer: Hyuuga Branch Family

This seal is attached to the members of the Hyuuga Branch Family. Is is placed on the family member at birth to ensure the secrets of the Byakugan do not fall into enemy hands. It also ensures the Branch member follows the orders of the Main House. When the seal is placed on the Branch members forehead, their mind can be destroyed by a hand seal known only by the Main family.

Please note: This version is found in the anime. The animators tried to get around the Nazi swastika connotation by altering the inner portion of the symbol.

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