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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 269

The iron spikes come raining down, and dirt and rubble is thrown about. As it clears, Sakura and Sasori look in surprise at Chiyo. She has protected herself with a chakra shield, extended from panels on her right arm, a puppet arm! Sasori is amused how she tinkered with herself, but says the joints of her arm and the mother doll that protected Sakura are now both jammed. Sandaime expels more iron sand and it forms into a large block and triangle. Chiyo suggests Sakura flee, but she states she will do all she can with Tsunade's teachings. Chiyo reattaches the puppet strings with her left arm and Sasori mocks that their strategy is getting old. The Sandaime puppet extends the triangle into a large spike and it narrowly misses Sakura and pierces the cave wall. Sakura looks up to see the huge block hovering above. It crashes down and she narrowly jumps away. Building chakra she jumps in and smashes the block of iron, sending it crashing into the far cave wall. Sakura then gloats it's not over yet...

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