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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 273

It is a puppet onslaught, as Sasori launches his final attack. Puppets come in from all sides, with Chiyo deftly maneuvering her puppets in defense. Each of Chiyo's puppets begin to unleash hidden cords, weapons and devices to begin to cut Sasori's numbers down. The tide of puppets begins to get overwhelming, Sakura does what she can smashing puppets to bits. As Chiyo worries that one antidote makes things dangerous, she gets cut by a poisoned blade! Chiyo yells for Sakura to go after Sasori as she restrains the other puppets. A glowing orb is thrown to Sakura and she hurls it at Sasori. The orb expands to a gaping maw which bites onto Sasori and pins his body to the wall, cutting off his chakra with a seal. Sakura yells for Chiyo to take the antidote, but Sasori isn't done. The battered form of a fallen puppet rises from the ground with Sasori's casket implanted in its chest. The two kunoichi react in shock as it rushes with a katana toward Chiyo. With a desperate lunge, Sakura jumps in front of Chiyo, and becomes impaled by Sasori's blade.

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