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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 278

As the explosion expands Neji is fearful they won't make it. Suddenly the dust settles to everyone's surprise. Where Deidara stood the surrounding area finishes being sucked into nothingness. Kakashi feels grateful that he somehow made it just in time with his Mangekyou technique. Gai is impressed and Sakura asks Kakashi what he did. He wearily responds he sent Deidara to another dimension. The Naruto's arrive with Gaara and the teams leave the forest for a nearby grassy field. Sakura checks Gaara and sadly nods that he is gone. Naruto begins to cry and asks why this had to happen to Gaara, right after he became Kazekage. Chiyo asks him to calm down but Naruto yells for her to shut up. He angrily demands to know why they made him a jinchuuriki anyway, why no one ever asked how he felt about it. He states he's failed two people so far, both Sasuke and Gaara. He could save neither even after his three years of training. Chiyo moves to Gaara and places her hands on his chest, and begins her tensei jutsu. Sakura recognizes the technique and yells to Chiyo but she trails off in sadness. Naruto demands to know what she is doing. Gai and Kakashi recognize her plan but Naruto still demands an answer. Sakura responds that Chiyo is going to bring Gaara back to life!

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