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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 296

Kabuto comments this is more a fight between monsters than ninja. Sakura watches on with sorrow, and Orochimaru thinks how even the Kusanagi could not pierce Naruto. Naruto throws the blade aside and the others jump to safety. Kabuto comments on the lengths of Naruto's drive to save Sasuke, and Sakura thinks over Naruto's past promises to her. Kabuto states Naruto is losing himself, a tear wells in Sakura's eyes and she darts towards her friend. Yamato yells to stop and she screams for Naruto to end this, that she can bring Sasuke back. A worried Yamato forms a handseal as a tail whips to strike Sakura. Elsewhere Sai wonders if Naruto died and sees his chance, in the distance Orochimaru's extended head spits out a new body. Both collapse to the ground. A ragged Orochimaru comments that his vessel is nearing its end, but he reassures himself by thinking that he has Sasuke. Back at the bridge, Sakura strikes the ground injured. Wood has enveloped Naruto to contain him. Kabuto walks towards Sakura and wood envelops him too. Kabuto tells Yamato not to get hasty, he has no intentions of hurting anyone. Kabuto extends his chakra from his hand to heal Sakura, and states that they both oppose Akatsuki. If they live they may even be able to take down another one. Naruto rages against the wood and Kabuto states they have their hands full with Naruto, and something should be done about him. He thinks that Orochimaru must be ready and disappears. Yamato forms a complex handseal and slaps Naruto on the chest. Spiked wood pillars rise around him, and the black chakra and blood begin to retreat from his body to the seal on him chest. Elsewhere Sai walks up to a surprised Orochimaru and states he does not mean him harm... he has a message from Danzou.

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