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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 322

Asuma says he's touched that Shikamaru cares, but he didn't give up smoking because of Chiriku. He then adds to be careful when they finally face Akatsuki. In the restroom, Kakuzu states Hidan is a pain in the ass, but the only one worthy to be his companion since the previous ones all died. And when he gets really annoyed, the urge to kill rises, but Hidan can't be killed. In Konoha multiple Narutos are exhausted and two attempt Rasengan. They attempt to create Wind but it proves difficult to focus. A burst of wind sends the clones flying and the agitated Naruto stands and forms Rasengan again. His annoyance rising, he grits his teeth and the Kyuubi chakra begins to boil and four tails form.

Kakashi yells for Yamato and he extends the wood to clamp down and subdue Naruto. Yamato yells that if this continues it will be too much for Naruto, and it's getting to be too much for him too. Kakashi replies it's the only way, and it's all dependent upon Yamato. Yamato affirms. Elsewhere Hidan sits and curses the stink that has stuck to him, a figure walks up behind him and he expresses his annoyance that Kakuzu took so long. He turns to see Asuma hurl kunai at him, he uses his scythe to knock them away and then hurls it at his opponent. Asuma steps aside to avoid the attack and Hidan stands frozen. Izumo and Kotetsu rush in from the sides with large kunai, while Shikamaru watches from the roof holding Hidan in place. Kotetsu and Izumo's blades strike home in Hidan's chest. Asuma states that's one down, but Hidan replies that hurt and asks what the hell is going on.

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