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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 346 - Naruto 347 - Naruto 348 - Naruto 349

Sasuke looks on and asks which one does Kabuto think? Suddenly Kabuto is in the internal plane. In the distance Orochimaru and Sasuke are caked in matter. A black fiery darkness begins to spread from Sasuke freeing him. Orochimaru can't believe he is being fought against in his own plane and Kabuto realizes Sasuke's will is tearing it apart. Orochimaru yells in frustration, stating his refusal to let this happen and die. His destiny is to reveal the true nature of the world... and then he's gone. In reality Kabuto is shaken, stating Orochimaru is dead but then he reconsiders. Sasuke smiles and states he's the one in control now. In Konoha, Team 7 eats at Ichiraku. Kakashi thinks back to Tsunade looking over Kakuzu's autopsy. She surmises the Wind Shuriken's severed the chakra channels in Kakuzu's body at a cellular level, making it resemble poison more than outright attack. Yamato asks what of Naruto and Tsunade tells them he's forbidden from using it, as he suffered similar damage. If he uses it more he won't be able to use chakra, as reattaching so many severed channels is impossible even for her. At Ichiraku Kakashi begins to tell him the order but Naruto cuts him off, stating he knows his body and limits. He's going to be Hokage so it will be okay. Sai and Sakura smile and Naruto tells Kakashi to pay. In Orochimaru's compound a voice offers Sasuke his surprise that he defeated Orochimaru. Sasuke stands before glass tanks of liquid and says that's the past and that he's going to free him. He cuts the glass with his sword spilling its contents to the floor. From the pool of liquid rises a figure, who offers his thanks. Sasuke tells "Suigetsu" he'll assist him first.

Naruto Chapter 347: "Dropping by on the Way"

Suigetsu asks who and Sasuke says Juugo from the northern hideout and Karin from the south. Suigetsu rises naked from the water and states he doesn't get along well with them. Sasuke says he doesn't have to get along, just work with them. Suigetsu states that since Sasuke freed him, he'll try. He then says he's not sure what to make of Sasuke either and then he's suddenly behind Sasuke with his finger to his head, saying that just because he defeated Orochimaru doesn't make Sasuke the leader. Someone would have eventually killed Orochimaru, he was just lucky to be free and at Orochimaru's side to give him the opportunity. Sasuke remains motionless and asks what his point is, Suigetsu removes his hand and states Sasuke isn't shaken easily and it wasn't a fluke he won. He offers that he's known of Sasuke for awhile, being part of the team that killed his mentor Zabuza. He then states he wants to make a stop somewhere first before freeing the other two. In Konoha Naruto congratulates Konohamaru for mastering Kage Bunshin. Two Konohamaru then turn into naked women who press flesh together. Naruto and Sakura are shocked, Kakashi is amused and Sai watches on emotionless. Sakura hits Konohamaru for such a stupid jutsu but Naruto states it's a distraction technique. Sakura then states only a pervy ninja like them would be distracted. Konohamaru then does it again, creating a naked Sasuke and Sai which press flesh. Sakura goes pervy too and quickly understands. Sakura is embarrassed and states Konohamaru should practice better techniques. The guys look at her with sly eyes and she yells that she's not into that at all and Konohamaru surmises she's just like them after all. In the Wave Country Suigetsu and Sasuke overlook the Great Naruto Bridge. Sasuke looks on and a slight smile hits his face. Suigetsu asks what's up and Sasuke says nothing, and leads him to Zabuza's and Haku's graves. Suigetsu removes the sword grave marker and states that it's his now. He lifts it and explains that the Mist Seven swords are passed down from generation to generation, and that he trained in the hopes of becoming a member too someday. He offers with the sword he might be able to defeat even Sasuke, and it will help in dealing with Juugo anyway. He then states they should head for the nearest one. Elsewhere in a dark lair a woman knocks back a man and tells him not to go running just because Orochimaru's dead. She then stops feeling a chakra she recognizes...

Naruto Chapter 348: "The Next One"

Suigetsu and Sasuke walk across the sea to a small island. Suigetsu asks Sasuke why he's gathering a team and Sasuke says he’ll have a better chance at success with a full team. Suigetsu asks why him and Karin, who was totally devoted to Orochimaru. Sasuke states he's watched them since he joined Orochimaru. Suigetsu states that he and Karin were both experimented on, and that she has a bad attitude. Sasuke says he could have chosen others, but she has abilities he needs. The two men walk within a compound before prison cells. The prisoners recognize Sasuke and ponder if that means the rumor of Orochimaru's death is true, and if it means they'll be freed. In the hallways stands Karin, a young kunoichi. She states that Sasuke is alone and asks if that means the rumor if true. Suigetsu states Sasuke has an offer and asks that they sit, as he is weak from being imprisoned for so long. Sasuke tells Karin he needs her and she states that she runs the place and she asks what of the prisoners? Sasuke tells Suigetsu to free them and the young man leaves. She refuses to let them go and states she has no reason to follow Sasuke. Elsewhere Suigetsu frees the surprised prisoners and makes them promise to do something for him. They're to spread the word that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and that he plans to bring peace to the world. Elsewhere Karin locks the door and sheepishly states that she'll come along. She removes her glasses and seductively sits beside Sasuke, stating she'll go if he really wants her. Sasuke is surprised at her sudden change and Suigetsu is soon rattling the door knob. Karin asks why they have to bring Suigetsu... who suddenly cuts through the door and wall. Karin retreats embarrassed and Suigetsu with a muscled up arm says they should just leave if Karin isn't coming. Sasuke states she actually is coming and she puts on her glasses and blushes, stating she didn't say that. They just happen to be going in the same direction. Suigetsu says lucky them and states Juugo is last. Karin is shocked that he's been picked too. In a dark cell somewhere else a shaken and bound man ponders who next... a girl or guy?...

Naruto Chapter 349: "North Base"

Suigetsu rests and Karin warns that the north hideout is dangerous, as it was the main site of Orochimaru's human experimentation. At the base Juugo ponders whether to kill a man or woman next and then hears screams outside his cell. Suigetsu states they should take a break and sips some of his drink. Karin chides him and he asks why she's still with them. She yells that her business happens to be at the base too and asks why Suigetsu came. He states he has his own plans and needs Sasuke too. Karin asks if they need Juugo and Suigetsu says yes. He states he fought Juugo before and he has interesting abilities. He doesn't care too much for him and he heard Juugo came to Orochimaru of his own free will. He states Juugo's crazy and he's not sure why. Karin offers he probably came for a cure to his wild urge to kill. Suigetsu surmises Juugo enjoys killing people but Karin says no. Juugo could usually control his urges but he'd sometimes snap. Suigetsu is surprised and states that didn't happen when they fought. Karin states Orochimaru was fascinated by Juugo's abilities and used his blood to create an enzyme to cause normal ninja to enter a similar state. That state is the curse seal and its origin is Juugo. In the base a man has torn apart multiple guards and his body goes into a curse seal-like form stating that anyone who opposes him will die. The team walks and Suigetsu asks for another break. Karin yells that they're almost there and asks if the sword is slowing him down. Sasuke calls their attention to a passed out guard. He recognizes Sasuke and asks him to help them. He states that once word of Orochimaru's death got out, the prisoners began to riot. He then dies and the level two looking curse seal man comes crashing down before them. He recognizes them and Suigetsu asks just what the hell it is. Karin explains it's a level two creature and in a blink Sasuke has cut it down with his sword. The seal form fades and the man falls to the ground. Ahead is the north base and Sasuke asks that they hurry to help him find Juugo. In his cell a level one looking Juugo states that if the next person to open his cell is a woman, he'll kill her…

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