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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Naruto 369

Jiraiya tickles one of the Rain but the man refuses to talk. Jiraiya threatens to turn him into a frog and then continues to tickle. His partner yells not to underestimate them; they're true shinobi who won't betray their comrades. Jiraiya forms a hand seal and states he has no choice then. Placing his palm on the first ninja, the jutsu activates in a puff of smoke revealing a frog where the first Rain ninja once was. The second ninja freaks out and begins to spill. He states that Pain is a mysterious figure who is said to reside in the tallest tower in the city. He is rumored to be from the Fuuma clan and no one knows what he looks like. The ninja asks then if Jiraiya is from the old regime in Rain.

Jiraiya says it doesn't matter and what does he mean by "old regime"? The Rain ninja recognizes Jiraiya as a stranger and states the truth of the matter is, that the rebels won and now control the country, all thanks to Pain. Jiraiya states surprise that he could beat Hanzou the Salamander, the powerful and well known leader of Rain. The Rain states it wasn't easy, as Hanzou had constant protection. Jiraiya asks how he was killed and the ninja replies that he already said he knows little. Jiraiya flashes back to a previous war. The Sannin, battle weary, stand amongst fallen shinobi. Before them on a large salamander is Hanzou. Hanzou states the Leaf will more than likely win in the end but he'll let the three of them live. Jiraiya yells that he can still fight but Tsunade tells him to shush.

Hanzou recognizes their power and states they must take on the name of "Sannin" in exchange for him sparing their lives. In the present the Rain ninja offers that Pain's power is not of this world. He is a true, heartless shinobi. Pain not only killed Hanzou but Hanzou's family, friends and business associates, all as punishment, like a god. Elsewhere Pain touches a wall which opens a hidden portal. He then reclines on a bed marked "One" and closes his eyes. Five other beds containing figures in Akatsuki robes surround him. Quickly a figure on another bed opens his spiral eyes which resemble those of Pain and states it's time to find the intruder...

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