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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Naruto 371

Tobi wonders whether Sasuke will remain a snake or shed his skin to become a hawk. Elsewhere Team Snake rushes on and Karin states there are people with identical chakra all around them. Sasuke states they will push through. Naruto continues through the forest and sees Sasuke ahead. He yells out and is quickly dispatched by Sasuke's Chidori. The clone disperses in smoke and Sasuke states Naruto never gives up. Elsewhere Naruto receives the knowledge of the meeting and yells to the others to follow him. In Rain, the imprisoned Rain ninja emerges and tells the frog to return to Konoha and find Ibiki. The man walks off and hopes that they buy the disguise. Konan spies the man and returns to Pain.

She states the intruder is Jiraiya. Pain offers his surprise that "Jiraiya-sensei" is here, but says it means nothing; he still needs to be killed. We see Pain is in a new body, another Rain ninja, this one with long hair, bigger piercings and the same circular eyes. He tells Konan to track him down. She offers to delay him until he gets there but Pain says no, she can kill him if she gets the chance. She disperses into paper and takes off. Soon the paper quickly advances on the disguised Jiraiya. It quickly envelops him and Konan takes form with a paper spear. She moves to strikes but Jiraiya slides out of the shadow of the figure and blows fire to stop her advancement. Konan states her recognition of the technique. Jiraiya states he hoped the bait would draw out Pain and offers surprise that it was her instead. He then tells Konan she has improved her jutsu and grown into a fine woman...

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