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Kamis, 05 November 2009

Naruto 411

The Jinchuuriki repeats his boast that he'll take care of them and rhymes a question as to their identity. Sasuke says it's unimportant. Suigetsu wonders what's with their weird opponent and his rapping. Sasuke offers that he wants to find out the true nature of the Bijuu, and states they're the ones using Akatsuki. The Jinchuuriki recognizes the name and Suigetsu tells Sasuke to hurry so they won't have to listen to his horrible lines anymore. The Jinchuuriki takes offense and Karin offers that it's the worst rap she's ever heard. Sasuke lunges with his sword while the Jinchuuriki uses Suigetsu's head cleaver to parry. A quick flurry of moves leads Sasuke to plant his sword into the ground through the head cleavers hole, and then kick his opponent in the throat. The Jinchuuriki doesn't move but he drops the cleaver.

Sasuke is confused as the man merely pulls out a book and begins to write in it. Sasuke throws the cleaver back to Suigetsu. The Jinchuuriki thanks Sasuke for helping him write an awesome new rhyme, so he offers that he'll play with him after all, even if he’s an idiot. He pulls out his seven swords and tosses them into the air. The man catches the swords in various body joints, like the inner arms and back of the knee. He then lunges in a quick whirl towards Sasuke. He moves to defend but the man maneuvers a sword into his hand. Sasuke watches on with Sharingan and is forced into retreat. Suigetsu offers that he can't follow the man's moves. Sasuke infuses Chidori into his sword and moves to strike, however he is surprised when his opponent parries easily with his own chakra infused sword. The Jinchuuriki then derisively offers that he floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. In an instant he slams most of his swords into Sasuke's chest.

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