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Kamis, 05 November 2009

Naruto 416

In a forest, a ninja taunts a hiding Leaf shinobi. The Leaf throws smoke bombs but his opponent moves to subdue him. The Leaf asks if he can say one thing but his opponent strikes to kill. The Leaf offers that he should quit making him try to give up and then poofs away. The opponent realizes it was a Kage Bunshin too late and is struck from behind. The downed man gloats that even if he dies, another assassin will strike; as long as shinobi villages exist, there will be strife. The Leaf states he will break that curse, he’ll find the peace no matter what. The assassin asks the man his name and the Leaf says it’s... In Myouboku, Naruto cries as he finishes Jiraiya's book about the hero named Naruto, the man he is unknowingly named after.

Naruto thinks back to his time training with Jiraiya. He asks why Orochimaru tried to destroy the village if he and Jiraiya were once friends. Jiraiya explains that after Orochimaru's parents died, he turned to Kinjutsu, either to revive his parents or seek revenge against Konoha. Jiraiya explains that he was an orphan like Naruto, so Orochimaru said he wouldn't understand. Jiraiya says maybe he didn't but he still knows hate is spreading. Naruto asks what he means, and Jiraiya explains that he hopes to one day end the hatred and bring an understanding between people. Naruto offers that it sounds difficult. Jiraiya states if he can't do it, it will be up to Naruto. Naruto smiles and says okay. Jiraiya laughs and Naruto asks what's funny. Jiraiya offers that Naruto's smile is his salvation and that he's glad Naruto is his apprentice.

Naruto blushes but Jiraiya offers that he hasn't given up yet; he'll change the world through his books. Naruto points out the lack of sales but Jiraiya yells that they'll be best sellers soon enough, and when Naruto begs for an autograph he won't get it. Naruto asks why he wants that, as he has something better. In the present Naruto smiles and we cut to Akatsuki's hidden base. Sasuke throws the bound Killer Bee before Madara. He offers his approval and Sasuke turns to leave. Madara asks where he's going and Sasuke says to heal and then to Konoha. Madara remembers an earlier conversation with Sasuke.

Sasuke explains that he plans to wipe out all of Konoha, not just the elders. He can't forgive them. Sasuke was more important than Konoha to Itachi, and Itachi is more precious than Konoha to him. Konoha had the Uchiha destroyed and worship the Senju, so they're worthless. He offers that he’s not a kid ruled by his emotions, those that don't know hatred would never understand. If anyone stands in his way he'll kill everyone they ever cared about, then they'll finally understand his hatred. In Cloud, the Raikage receives word of Killer Bee's abduction. The ninja reports that his comrade went in pursuit. The Raikage smashes his desk and yells that Akatsuki will pay. He offers aloud to his abducted brother that help is on the way...

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