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Senin, 09 November 2009

Shukaku The Ichibi (One Tailed Demon Tanubi)

: Sky Country
Classification : Spirit
Tail Number : Ichi (One)
Type : Tanuki (Raccoon Dog)
Imbued Within : Gaara
See Also : Gaara, Kazekage, Kirura, Akatsuki

Shukaku is one of the "bijuu" a tailed beast of the ancient world. Seeking a way to create a ninja with a large amount of chakra that would be an unstoppable machine, The Kazekage imbued Shukaku within his unborn son.

Shukaku was said to be the corrupted spirit of a Sand priest who was imprisoned within a tea kettle. Current information suggests Shukaku is a "bijuu", one of the tailed demons of the ancient world. He has been in the possession of Hidden Sand since ages past. When Karura became pregnant and had Shukaku imbued into her son, she cursed the village for what they had done. When Gaara was later born she lost her life in the process. Gaara grew up confused and angry at his place in the village, as all the villagers feared him and his power to control the sands. When Gaara grew older he gained the ability to enter into a forced sleep, which would allow Shukaku to come out. Shukaku would gather sand from the surrounding area to make his large tanuki body. Shukaku seems to be fairly loud and flamboyant in his speech, probably as a result of not being released very often.

The Akatsuki criminal organization sought to obtain Shukaku from Gaara for their own diabolical ends. Demon imbued persons are called "jinchuuriki" by Akatsuki, literally "the power of human sacrifice". This seems to stem from a life being lost when the demon is imbued into the individual. For Gaara, his mother lost her life to imprison Shukaku. When Akatsuki captured Gaara they took him to their cave in the River Country and placed him before their large statue. They then performed a jutsu which seems to withdraw the Shukaku spirit from out of Gaara's body.

Gaara and Ichibi, Yugito and Nibi, Yagura and Sanbi, Roushi and Yonbi, Han and Gobi, Fuu and Sichibi, Utakata and Rokubi, Killer Bee and Hachibi, Uzumaki Naruto and Kyubi, Rikudou Sennin and Juubi

Jinchuriki Control - Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu • Kakuan Nitten Suishu - Hokage Style 60 Years Retirement Technique • Sanctuary Enlightenment Enclosing Palm - Kyubi Chakra Seal - Gogyou Fuuin - Five Elemental Seal - Jinchuriki Creation and Bijuu Extraction - Shiki Fuujin - Corpse Spirit Sealing Method - Hakke no Fuuin Shiki - Eight Divination Signs Seal Style & Shishou Fuuin - Four Image Seal - Bijuu Attachment Chiyo - Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin - Complete Nine Mystical Dragon Seal - Jinchuriki and Bijuu

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