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Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Naruto Volume 54

Naruto Chapter 502 : The Kyubi Strikes - Itachi comforts his brother and questions why his parents had to leave now of all times. Elsewhere Guy pleads for a more hot-blooded contest with Kakashi. Kakashi ignores his rival and questions the odd feeling in the air. At the Hokage Administration building Sandaime is suddenly shaken from his work and looks outside. In the village the masked man strikes the ground to summon, unleashing the Kyuubi in the middle of the village. The beast roars, causing massive devastation.

ANBU immediately move to alert Sandaime. He says he knows and straps tight his battle gear. He questions if Kushina's seal failed and states he'll handle the Kyuubi while everyone else tries to save the villagers. The Kyuubi notices Yondaime standing on Hokage mountain and unleashes a concentrated chakra blast. Yondaime offers that he won't let this happen and holds one of his Hiraishin tagged kunai in front of him. The attack is suddenly absorbed and teleported miles outside the village for detonation. The ninja of the village recognize Yondaime in action and Sandaime tells the ANBU to move out.

Minato affirms that he has to tell Sandaime what's going on as the masked man reaches out to him from behind. He quickly turns to stab the man but his arm phases through. The masked man re-solidifies to grab onto Minato's arm and then begins to warp them both away. As they spin away, Minato disappears leaving the masked man to compliment Minato's speed at doing his own teleportation. He offers though that the next time they touch he'll warp him. Minato lands outside the village near one of his marked kunai and tries to figure out the man's identity. The man swirls into existence before him and Minato quickly considers everything the man has done, from knowing about Kushina's seal, to defeating the ANBU, to being able to bypass the barrier. He asks the man if he's Uchiha Madara, but says that can't be, as Madara is dead.

The man lowers his hood and says maybe not? Minato concludes it doesn't matter in any case, why attack Konoha? Tobi offers that his plan is to start war to bring peace. Minato firms up, and considers that the man excels at space-time manipulation and can control the Kyuubi, which makes him even more dangerous than the fox. He affirms he has to kill the man and thinks that the Kyuubi can't be controlled for too long. So while Sandaime handles the Kyuubi, he'll have to take out the masked man.

Tobi charges and offers there's no hope. As he phases through Minato, a chain attached to his arms remains solid. It wraps around Minato but he teleports a short distance away. Minato realizes that the only time he can strikes is when the man remains solid, so it'll come down to a battle of speed to see who inflicts damage first. They charge each other and Minato launches one of his marked kunai. It phases through Tobi's head as he reaches for Minato. Time crawls still as the skilled ninja make their moves. As the kunai passes through Tobi, Minato raises his arm with a Rasengan. Tobi's hand makes contact with Minato to warp him away but in an instant Minato teleports to the kunai to unleash the Rasengan into Tobi's back. The speed duel ends as Minato closes his hand, effortlessly catching the kunai that he threw just moments before. He then offers to the masked man the jutsu he used was Hiraishin level two...

Naruto Chapter 503 : Minato's Shiki Fuujin - Tobi is slammed into the earth but then quickly retreats, holding his bloody arm. The arm begins to melt off and in an instant Minato holds one of his marked kunai to Tobi's chest. The masked man theorizes he was marked by one of Minato's teleport seals while Minato touches Tobi's chest with his free hand, causing a new seal to appear. Tobi asks if Minato's trying to free the Kyuubi from his control, to which the Hokage says he already has. Elsewhere the Kyuubi roars as the Sharingan mind control fades. A gathering of ninja try to combat the beast, including two wounded parents begging their son to flee.

Iruka pleas to stay and help but his father tells him to escape while he can. A group ninja lead by Sandaime manage to force the Kyuubi outside of the village, and he directs them to keep fighting. Elsewhere Tobi stands above Minato and compliments him on both wounding and ending his control of the Kyuubi in one move. He then offers that the Kyuubi will be his again someday and the world will bow to his will. The man swirls from existence as Minato looks on, confident the man was not lying. At the Kyuubi the Leaf continue to battle, with Iruka being quickly spirited away.

Amongst trees marked with barrier seals, a ninja directs the young ninja before him to remain. He offers it's an internal matter which they should avoid. Kurenai yells out that such talk is foolish, as they can help. Her father offers that shinobi may not have long lives, but they must protect their young to insure another generation will come about so they can pass on the will of fire. The Kyuubi once again compresses chakra for a blast, as the Hokage watch in worry. The Kyuubi is quickly squashed into the ground by Gamabunta, as the gathering ninja rejoice at Yondaime's arrival.

The Kyuubi continues compressing chakra and Minato directs Gamabunta to hold the beast while he can, as he needs to gather enough chakra to teleport them out of there. Sandaime watches on as both Minato and the Kyuubi suddenly vanish, reappearing on the horizon. Minato holds a weakened Kushina who is bleeding from her mouth and directs her to erect a barrier. She states her chakra's almost gone but manages to release binding chains which briefly subdue the beast. Naruto cries in Minato's arms and Kushina apologizes to her son for waking him.

She tells her husband that she'll drag the Kyuubi back inside her and die, which will prevent the Kyuubi from reconstituting itself for some period of time. She smiles and thanks her husband for everything. A stunned Minato states she made him into a worthy husband, Hokage and father. She tells her husband to not look sad, as she is happy, because he loved her and it’s her son’s birthday. She offers that the thought of the three of them living together makes her happy. Minato begins to cry and Kushina says her one regret will be in not seeing Naruto grow up. Minato is silent, but then states they can use their chakra to see Naruto one more time.

He states they'll seal a portion of her chakra into Naruto using the Uzumaki Clan Hakke no Fuuin Shiki and he’ll then lead the Kyuubi away and use the Shiki Fuujin. Kushina realizes the result of such a jutsu and cries out, but Minato states he will be unable to seal the whole thing away for good, at best he can get half of it. Allowing the Kyuubi to reappear and roam free would upset the balance of power among the villages, but the Shiki Fuujin will permanently end half of the Kyuubi's power. Minato thinks back to a conversation with Jiraiya, where the Sannin tells his young pupil that he may be the child of destiny who will be the world's savior.

Minato was confused but in the present he considers its new meaning, stating he'll seal the other half of the Kyuubi's power using the Hakke no Fuuin Shiki. Kushina is stunned but Minato says he knows what's on her mind. He offers that Jiraiya spoke of a world in danger, and the masked man they saw tonight was the harbinger of these events. He states that Naruto will be the one to stop this man, a Jinchuuriki who will blaze a trail to a new future. Sandaime appears nearby as Kushina begins to try and change her husband's mind. Minato lays Naruto on the ground and begins to form the needed hand seals, quickly calling forth the Shinigami which takes form behind him. He asks his wife to have faith, as Naruto is their son after all...

Naruto Chapter 504 : Thank You - Minato states he'll use Kushina's remaining chakra to seal the Kyuubi, which will also allow her to visit Naruto later in life and help him control the Kyuubi. Kushina states she doesn't want him to bear such a burden alone. Minato is silent, and Kushina screams out, demanding to know why he has to sacrifice himself, just so she can see Naruto briefly later in life. Minato offers that turning ones back on country and village is as bad as abandoning ones child. But they are a family of shinobi. And he isn't a good substitute for Kushina anyway, even if she can only see Naruto briefly. So it just isn't for her, it's for Naruto as well.

Dying to make a better life for one's son is a father's duty. A distance away, Sandaime watches on as the Shiki Fuujin markings appear on Minato's body. He recognizes the jutsu and is unable to penetrate the barrier to assist further. The Shinigami reaches through Minato to withdraw a portion of the Kyuubi's power and the beast curses the Hokage. The chakra is ripped out and sealed into Minato, leaving him weakened. The shinobi watching with Sandaime note the Kyuubi shrank in size, having been substantially de-powered. Minato summons the ceremonial throne and lifts Naruto.

The Kyuubi understands Minato's plan and attempts to break free from Kushina's chains. Minato calls out for her to stay with him as the Kyuubi swipes a death blow towards Naruto. Before his nail can pierce Naruto, both parents throw themselves between the claw and Naruto, stopping its nail as it pierces their bodies. Kushina smiles, offering that if the father can sacrifice himself, a mother can do it better. Sandaime wonders if the child they saved was theirs and the Kyuubi cries out again. Kushina offers though that Minato won the argument, and he thanks her.

Wiping blood he summons Gerotora, and states he's leaving the key to the seal with him. He directs him to go to Jiraiya and the toad takes his leave. Sandaime recognizes that Naruto is to be the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and the Shinigami completes his preparations. Minato offers that he'll now perform the seal, and that he'll leave some of his chakra to help Naruto as well. He then offers that they don't have much time, so if she has anything to say... Kushina greets her son, and directs him to eat well and grow into a strong boy. To make a lot of real friends and study his Ninjutsu.

Don't feel bad if you fail at anything, and make sure to listen to your teachers. Avoid the three shinobi vices: Don't borrow money, don't drink until you're 20, and try not to pick up a weird girlfriend, find someone like mom. And watch out for Jiraiya! Minato smiles and Kushina tells her son that he'll experience a lot of suffering, but he needs to remember who he is and find a goal in life. Now crying, she offers that she has so much more she wants to say to him but she loves him. She then apologizes to Minato for using all their time but he says that's okay.

He greets Naruto and tells him to listen to his motor-mouth mother and then performs the seal. We fade away on baby Naruto and return to the present, as Kushina apologizes to Naruto. She states she left him with such a heavy burden and wasn't there to help him. Naruto tells her not to apologize, times were hard but he never blamed them for it. He never knew a parent's love but he managed, but he understands now. He lives today because of they gave their lives for him.

Kushina begins to cry and Naruto offers that they filled his vessel with love before they put the Kyuubi in him, so he's happy and healthy today because of that. And for that reason he's glad he's their son. Kushina reaches out to embrace her son and asks Minato if he heard that their love reached Naruto. As she begins to fade away she thanks Naruto for letting her be his mom, and for letting Minato be his dad. And thanks for being their son... As she fades away for good, tears begin to flow from Naruto's eyes...

Naruto Chapter 505 : The Kyubi Chakra Unleashed - Naruto responds to his now-departed mother, offering that he'll promise to eat more vegetables and that he takes baths and sleeps, but probably too much. He has a lot of friends, but one who has given him grief. He had a hard time in school but didn't let it get him down, he respects his teaches and he learned about the three vices from Jiraiya. He's just as they remembered him, but he was a great man. He affirms that he's Uzumaki Naruto, a Hidden Leaf ninja who dreams of becoming Hokage, a leader to surpass all the previous Hokage. He promises will become a bigger bad ass than his father and a stronger shinobi than his mother.

In reality Naruto opens his eyes and lets out an exclamation of victory. Naruto fist bumps Bee who offers congratulations. Yamato tries to get updated on Naruto's status as the two Jinchuuriki exchange knowing words. An annoyed Yamato yells out for them to actually explain what happened and let him in on it too. Elsewhere Guy yells out in encouragement after learning of Naruto's trials from Aoba and Motoi. He asks to be taken to Naruto and Aoba apologizes for his teammate's hot-bloodedness. In the waterfall, Naruto explains how the Kyuubi chakra is actually sectioned off within him, which he can access when needed. Internally we see Naruto standing among gates with a large chakra sphere above him.

He lifts his arm as some chakra leaves the ball and enters his body. In reality Naruto takes on the flaming Rikudou form marked with the seal on his chest. Yamato remarks on Naruto being so full of life energy, as his wood beam creations suddenly spark to life and begin growing on their own. Naruto is suddenly struck with a new sense and asks if the person thought he could hide. Yamato and Bee react in confusion, asking if Naruto is sensing a presence they're missing. In Samehada, Kisame is shocked that Naruto could tell the difference between his and Samehada's chakra. Naruto explains that it's not chakra, but an evil presence in the sword. Samehada's spikes extend as the sword leaps from Bee's back and skitters away with Kisame's head poking out.

Kisame remarks that Naruto can sense hatred and negative emotions, something even sensor-types cannot do. Emerging from the sword Kisame offers that the Kyuubi has given Naruto interesting new powers. Naruto recognizes Kisame and Bee questions how he's still alive. Kisame offers that he was perfectly cloned but it's not important. In any case two Jinchuuriki and a Mokuton user are two much for him. Bee asks how he got inside and Kisame flees, offering he was spying the whole time. As he approaches the door, he is quickly smashed into the wall by Naruto.

Bee raps that Naruto used a teleport jutsu and a smash but all he saw was a yellow flash. As Kisame bleeds from the mouth, he flees. Naruto is unable to follow as his leg is now stuck in the wall. Yamato directs Bee to follow Kisame as he helps Naruto. Outside Guy learns that Naruto used the falls to triumph over his true self. Guy is surprised but offers some hesitance at using the falls for himself. Aoba mocks Guy, asking if he's afraid to see who he really is. Guy jumps before the falls, taking the challenge to heart. Aoba jokes that he was just kidding, Guy's true self probably isn't even human. From within the falls a voice mocks Guy for continuing to talk about youth, as it's not healthy for old men to push themselves.

The voice offers that he understands why he talks that way around Lee, but no one else wants to hear it. The words enrage Guy and he demands the shadow figure show himself. The voice says okay and moves to exit the falls. At that same moment, Kisame bursts forth, still using Samehada to maneuver. Guy is shocked, wondering if his true self if some strange bug. Kisame recognizes Guy as the other boasts that he will beat his lost youth back into his true self. Aoba yells out that the creature is not Guy's inner self but the hot-blooded ninja is already on the move, delivering a powerful elbow strike into Samehada. As Kisame and his sword smash into the rock face beyond, a confused Bee emerges from the falls...

Naruto Chapter 506 : Guy VS Kisame - Guy finally recognizes the figure he hit, stating it's some kind of large blowfish. Aoba offers that there are a lot of giant animals around, but Motoi yells for them to wise up. Bee raps that it's an Akatsuki spy and Samehada peels off Kisame and bolts for his new owner. Bee offers his understanding that the sword was forced to do it, and as it embraces Bee, Kisame quickly grabs the handle to force it to suck out Bee's chakra. Kisame suddenly strengthens as the chakra pours into him.

Bee collapses as Motoi and Aoba rush to assist. Aoba hurls kunai on wire to paralyze Kisame, but Kisame uses the wire to quickly suck out Aoba's own chakra. Guy delivers a powerful kick to Kisame, who responds with a water shark. He flees and Motoi yells that they must stop the man before he leaves the island barrier, as they won't be able to track him. Guy says he'll handle it and opens the Sixth Gate. The animals on the island are rocked and a weakened Bee offers to hurl Guy towards the fleeing Kisame.

Guy is launched and Bee offers that he’ll be okay soon. Aoba offers that though they themselves are weak, Naruto and Yamato are still inside the waterfall. Inside Yamato splints Naruto's sprained ankle and warns him to exercise more control next time. On the descent from his launch, Guy quickly summons Nin-Kame mid-air. The turtle chastises Guy for summoning him in such a bad predicament and the man apologizes, saying he just needs his shell. He quickly launches himself off the shell, leaving Nin-Kame to fall into the forest below, bouncing off the shell of another giant turtle.

Elsewhere Kisame summons a shark and feeds it a scroll. Kisame compliments Guy's persistence as the man lands nearby onto the surface of the water. Guy says he can't let Kisame get away and Kisame asks if the Leaf ninja realizes they are fighting on his turf. Kisame quickly launches Goshokuzame, which quickly multiplies into numerous other sharks. Knowing he can't tell which specific one has the scroll, Guy uses Asakujaku to wipe them out. As the air clears, some sharks still remain racing through the water. He follows them underwater and Kisame moves to take full advantage.

Guy quickly opens the Seventh Gate, which pushes the water back with his emanating power. Kisame compliments the man's strength and hand to hand skill, as it's the third time he's faced the bizarre beast. Guy offers that maybe he is a beast, but it's an amazing azure one. Now he'll show Kisame something special, a one-hit kill jutsu he doesn't show to just anyone. As Guy's blue chakra pours forth, the water continues to be pushed back. Kisame forms hand seals and creates a giant shark missile. In turn Guy unleashes his own attack, Hirutora, the Afternoon Tiger.

Naruto Chapter 507 : A Living Lie - As the tiger and shark head attacks converge, Kisame contemplates how his attack absorbs the chakra of his opponent's jutsu to grow bigger and more powerful. As the two attacks connect, the tiger blast shrinks and passes through the shark's mouth, leaving Kisame confused, as his opponent's jutsu isn't being absorbed at all. He wonders if it's not actually chakra at all as Guy yells out for his jutsu to strike home. A blast erupts, causing a huge explosion which rocks Kisame and his sharks.

In the forest, the Leaf and Cloud watch on and Yamato yells them to watch out, as Guy's Hirutora attack has a huge blast range. They buckle down as the shock wave passes over them. As the air clears over the water, Guy stands over the defeated Kisame. Holding the information scroll, he warns his opponent not to move. Kisame questions if that azure chakra wasn't actually chakra at all. Guy offers that Hirutora is a Taijutsu punch, which focuses a massive amount of air pressure into point which then explodes. And the aura wasn't chakra; an azure sweat which pours from every inch of one who opens the Seventh Gate, which then evaporates from their heat energy.

Kisame compliments the man on still having a hidden ace, but says he himself is still being underestimated. He begins to move but Guy quickly smashes a fist into his chest, warning him again to not move. A short time later, Kisame remains prone in a stock restraint. Bee and Naruto both offer their respect for Guy and Aoba moves to read the Akatsuki member's mind. We flashback to the past, as Kisame remains distant and guarded from the other members of the secret intelligence squad. An explosive note wired kunai quickly flies in and explodes. Aoba digs further, seeing a large Mist ninja carrying Samehada giving Kisame orders before his mission. The ninja warns Kisame to protect the codes and his comrades, but the codes must be defended to the death.

As the dust from the explosion clears, Ibiki orders them to surrender. Kisame offers his recognition of the man and he recalls his own promise to not allow any of the intelligence squad to fall into enemy hands. In an instant he slices them dead, leaving Ibiki to question why he did that. Kisame offers that there are situations where information is more important than a person's life, and this was such an occasion. Time passes and we see Kisame's master lay dead on the floor. With Samehada in his hands, Kisame stands victorious. A voice congratulates Kisame for killing the man, as he was leaking out information. The voice offers that the sword now belongs to Kisame and that he'll now work for him.

Yagura the Yondaime Mizukage emerges from the shadows and offers that he can trust Kisame, as he is one of the few willing to do the true dirty work the village needs. Kisame says he knew that this would be his fate as a Mist ninja, but where does he go now? Another figure steps from the shadows before a confused Kisame. The figure offers that he will free Kisame from the falsehoods and give him a true place to belong. Kisame asks who the man is and the figure states Kisame works for him now, and they'll start with the Water Country. Kisame says the man trusts him, but he himself doesn't know who this mysterious figure is. The figure opens his eye, revealing a Sharingan.

Kisame offers his understanding, finally realizing that the figure is the real Yondaime Mizukage, having full control of Yagura. Kisame questions though who the man is, being able to control the Sanbi Jinchuuriki with just his eyes. The figure reveals he's Uchiha Madara and Kisame retorts that he doesn't believe him, so he should reveal himself. Madara relents and begins to step from the shadows as we're shocked out of the mind probe by Kisame biting his own tongue. Blood bursts forth and the gathered ninja are shocked. Within Kisame's mind, he continues to recall the meeting. He asks if Madara is insane. Madara says his Moon's Eye plan will happen, and it will create a new world of truth and not lies. Kisame smiles and in the present he violently bursts from his shackles...

Naruto Chapter 508 : A Death Befetting A Shinobi - Broken wood from the restraints flies as Kisame frees himself. Aoba yells to take Kisame alive, as he knows more information. Guy quickly moves to punch Kisame, but the former Mist ninja releases water and enters a water prison. Guy's arm is stopped by the defense and Kisame summons sharks. Kisame flashesback to the time he first met Itachi. They exchange greetings and Kisame offers that he knows Itachi wiped out his comrades, that was why they were made partners. Kisame gloats that there's nothing like the feeling that comes from killing friends. Itachi chides the man for being talkative, and surmises that Kisame himself was lost, just looking for a place himself.

Kisame holds Samehada to Itachi's head, and explains how sharks start eating their siblings in the womb after they hatch. Sharks start killing the moment they're born and see everyone as prey, so Itachi should be mindful. Itachi looks on unmoving with Mangekyou eyes and warns Kisame of the same. Kisame withdraws his sword and says in any case he hopes they can work well together. Itachi warns that those who betray their comrades are sure to come to bad ends, and Kisame asks if they're both already marked then.

Itachi says no, as they're human not fish, one doesn't know the type of person they are until death comes. And when it comes, you'll know the type of person you are. Back in the present Yamato moves to strike with wood and Kisame contemplates to the absent Itachi that in the end he wasn't so terrible after all. The summoned sharks quickly converge in a frenzy on Kisame, sending blood throughout the prison. The Leaf and Cloud are stunned by the man's self-sacrifice suicide and watch as the bloody water prison explodes, leaving the sharks to fall to the earth and then poof away.

Guy offers that Kisame knew he was too weak and stood no chance of escape, so he made his own charks turn against him. Motoi asks if he's really dead and Samehada whimpers. Bee comforts the saddened sword and Naruto ponders how Kisame protected the information> He thinks back to Konan and Nagato and how some Akatsuki act for the sake of their comrades. Guy offers that Hoshigaki Kisame was a worthy opponent and a fine shinobi, and he shall never forget his name for the rest of his life. Guy lifts the scroll and Aoba offers they should inspect it to see what information Akatsuki wanted.

As he peels open the scroll, they are all quickly encased in water prisons with sharks. A sphere of water containing a shark quickly grabs the scroll and moves to flee. The Leaf and Cloud attempt to fight back, but they can not escape in time to stop the shark from reaching the sea and safety. Elsewhere in Hidden Rain, Madara offers to Konan that she does not appear to have any interest in revealing where she hid Nagato's body and his Rinnegan. Konan replies that she knew he would come, and it finally gives her a chance to destroy him. As the rain falls, he warns that he won't go easy just because she's a former member...

Naruto Chapter 509 : A Bridge To Piece - Madara questions if Naruto was worth betraying him for. Konan replies that Naruto is light personified, anyone who meets him believes in the flower called "hope." Madara questions why she is still wearing her cloak and she retorts it doesn't belong to him. "Akatsuki" was made by Yahiko, and the blood red cloud over Rain was important to them first. Calling Madara a mere coat-tail rider she unfurls into paper and says the Rinnegan belongs to Nagato and is their treasure too.

She hurls paper shuriken which passes through Madara and he offers that she's wrong, Madara himself influenced Yahiko to create the group and it was he himself for gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. Konan is thrown by the words and Madara calls her a confused child, who is only important because she knows where Nagato lies hidden. She forms wings and launches a multitude of paper to prevent his escape, but Madara manages to swirl away. As he does so he notices explosive tags mixed into the paper cloud.

We flashback to the past, as Yahiko directs Nagato to rest; he himself will run recon in the troubled sector. A short time later in the rain, Yahiko prepares to leave and asks Konan to look after Nagato, as the he is the one who will truly change the world. Konan offers that they joined to follow Yahiko himself, as they all believe in him. Yahiko answers that Nagato is the true bridge to peace, and he'll be the pillar that supports that bridge. Looking to the rain he offers that Rain is still crying, like he did when he was young, and he needs to save it.

He jumps to leave and a short time later Nagato tells Konan that Yahiko is the true bridge, they all believe in him. He yells for the others to move out and the group leaves to assist their leader. Konan considers that she'll support both their bridges and we return to the present. As the burning paper settles, Madara stands wounded, having his right arm and half his mask shorn off. He admits that he took her too lightly and says he knows she tried to self-sacrifice and take them both out, but he managed to teleport most of the explosion away in time.

He asks if she's finished and she responds by asking if he truly understands why they betrayed him. Raising her arms she yells out that he is darkness, as he seeks to create a world where flowers would wither and die. Suddenly the sea below Madara splits into a mass of paper, as the true nature of the sea reveals itself...

Naruto Chapter 510 : A Shocking Forbidden Technique - As Madara makes himself intangible, flying explosive tags begin to detonate. Konan explains that she knows how his power works, as he needs to solidify before he can teleport out. Madara ponders that he needs to take her seriously. Konan offers understanding that he can only remain intangible for five minutes at a time, so that's why she prepared enough tags to explode for over ten minutes. As she moves to detonate all the tags, Madara reaches to remove his mask. As the sea explodes, Konan thinks back over Madara's words and concludes Nagato and Yahiko were not his pawns, they fought for their own ideals.

And that has been passed on to Naruto, and she will not let him harm it. As her chakra runs out, her paper manipulations fall away and collapses down to the sea. She considers that he surely must be dead, but in an instant Madara is behind her. Elsewhere at Nagato and Yahiko's tomb, the paper flowers honoring them return to paper sheets. Back at the sea, Madara stands behind Konan as he impales her. She asks how he escaped and he says it was Izanagi, a jutsu that can only be wielded by those having the power of both the Uchiha and Senju. Konan offers than only the Rikudou can do that, and Madara offers he can explain.

Izanagi was a creation power used by the Rikudou, and the Senju and Uchiha both have their source in him. He used the mind and spiritual power of Yin to shape reality, and the vitality and physical power of Yang to give it life. He used that same power to create the Bijuu from the Juubi, which allowed him to turn imagination into reality. Konan asks him what he is and Madara explains that history records him losing to Shodai, but in reality he fought him to gain his power. He now holds both bloodlines, the first to do so fully unlike the incomplete form in Danzou. Konan moves to flee and Madara mocks Nagato's foolishness.

As she looks to the sea and up to the heavens the ever present downpour over Rain stops. Madara is confused and looks to the sky. Konan reaches to the heavens and declares that Yahiko and Nagato's will still lives on in Naruto. He will be the bridge that leads them to peace and she will be his pillar. As a rainbow forms overhead she thanks Nagato, as his death renewed her hope. As she begins to form a disk of paper, she offers that it doesn't matter if she is scattered to the win, she will stop him... Instantly Madara has her by the throat and says if he is the darkness then he will make her wilt, and cast everything she holds dear into the dark with him.

And before his Izanagi illusion ends, so will she, but not before telling him where the Rinnegan is. As her consciousness fades we advance in time. As Madara stands over Nagato's corpse, he identifies him as the third person to attain the Rikudou's power. He then offers that Nagato apparently exerted himself so much that the Uzumaki clan's trademark red hair turned white. Madara then curses the smile on Nagato's face, which mocks him even in death..

Naruto Chapter 511 : We'll All Come Home - Madara closes Nagato's eyes and swirls the man away. He then leaves the tomb as well. Elsewhere Konan lies unconscious in the water as her life fades. A blood soaked paper sheets soon takes flight and we flash back to the past. Jiraiya leads his pupils in security training by having them wear toad costumes. He shows them a warning card marked with each of their names; one side is marked with a toad face and the other solid red. When “in” the hideout, the card should show red.

When they leave they should move it to the “out” white toad side. The students question Jiraiya's toad puns and need for such action. He warns them that the area is still dangerous and this will help. Konan offers understanding, if they are missing and their card is red, it means they may have been captured, and if they're present but the toad is showing it will mean someone is impersonating them, as the imposter would be ignorant of the card's purpose and fail to change it. Jiraiya congratulates her perception and shows them an emergency escape door they might need. Jiraiya then voices encouragement for more toad inspired training and leads them outside. An enthused Yahiko follows and Nagato questions if Yahiko really understood everything. Konan and Nagato grin and Yahiko unleashes his own smug smile.

Jiraiya yells at the boy for not turning his card like he should and we jump through time as his training with the students advances. Jiraiya bids goodbye to his pupils and his card remains toad side “out” in their house. The trio continues their journey into adulthood, fighting battles and training. Konan shares an intimate moment with Yahiko as she bandages his wounds. Nagato remains just outside having left his card "out" as he smiles knowingly. More time passes and the trio now have followers. They reason they're now too big for their hideout and they bid it goodbye.

They mark it as the place they learned to become strong and offer they'll now set out to make their dream come true. Konan turns her card over to toad side "out" and before Nagato and Yahiko can do the same, explosive tagged kunai strike the building. They flee through the escape hatch as enemy ninja enter the building to find it empty. Yahiko marks that as a fitting end to their time there and then tells them to move out. In the present as the bloody paper flies through the air, we see Yahiko saying that they'll return one day when their dream has come true, no matter how much they're separated.

The paper continues its journey, entering the ruined and overgrown structure of the trio's former home. The blood red paper lands over Konan's lone toad side "out" card, marking her as now being home with Nagato and Yahiko. Yahiko’s words continue, offering that when that day comes that they return home, they'll celebrate a job well done. And they'll have to tell Jiraiya-sensei as well. As we see Jiraiya's card as having been turned over to red "in" side as well by the weed growth we cut to the current Akatsuki base.

Wearing a new concentric circle Rinnegan mask marked by Sharingan tomoe, Madara sits holding his large battle fan. Kabuto offers that it appears he ran into trouble but he got some new eyes out of it. Madara says the eyes were always his and Zetsu reveals they just received Kisame's info scroll. A confident Madara stands and declares it's now time to capture the Kyuubi...

Naruto Volume 1 - Naruto Volume 2 - Naruto Volume 3 - Naruto Volume 4 - Naruto Volume 5 - Naruto Volume 6 - Naruto Volume 7 - Naruto Volume 8 - Naruto Volume 9 - Naruto Volume 10 - Naruto Volume 11 - Naruto Volume 12 - Naruto Volume 13 - Naruto Volume 14 - Naruto Volume 15 - Naruto Volume 16 - Naruto Volume 17 - Naruto Volume 18 - Naruto Volume 19 - Naruto Volume 20 - Naruto Volume 21 - Naruto Volume 22 - Naruto Volume 23 - Naruto Volume 24 - Naruto Volume 25 - Naruto Volume 26 - Naruto Volume 27 - Naruto Volume 28 - Naruto Volume 29 - Naruto Volume 30 - Naruto Volume 31 - Naruto Volume 32 - Naruto Volume 33 - Naruto Volume 34 - Naruto Volume 35 - Naruto Volume 36 - Naruto Volume 37 - Naruto Volume 38 - Naruto Volume 39 - Naruto Volume 40 - Naruto Volume 41 - Naruto Volume 42 - Naruto Volume 43 - Naruto Volume 44 - Naruto Volume 45 - Naruto Volume 46 - Naruto Volume 47 - Naruto Volume 48 - Naruto Volume 49 - Naruto Volume 50 - Naruto Volume 51 - Naruto Volume 52 - Naruto Volume 53 - Naruto Volume 54

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