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Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Naruto 490

Madara asks what's in it for him and Kabuto explains how his forces will be bolstered with the resurrected Akatsuki members. Madara asks what Kabuto wants and the man answers that he wants Sasuke, to help answer his questions about Ninjutsu. Madara asks what happens if he declines, which causes Kabuto to call forth another coffin, the unseen contents of which surprises a disbelieving Madara. Madara asks how he managed such a feat but Kabuto answers that Madara knows, but to rest easy, he hasn't told a soul.

Madara laughs and calls Kabuto shrewd. Not wanting to further hamper his plans, he agrees on one condition, giving up Sasuke only after his plan is complete. Kabuto accepts and reseals the sixth coffin. Elsewhere Anko and her team continue to track Kabuto’s trail of corpses and debate whether they're being led into a trap. Anko asks a Hyuuga team member to scan ahead. He does so and is surprised to reveal he found Kabuto and also Madara nearby. They ponder if Kabuto lead them to Madara and Anko declares they have to inform Konoha immediately. At Myouboku, Fukasaku asks Naruto why he hasn't touched the scroll seal yet. Gerotora offers further explanation, stating the Kyuubi's power works on two levels, chakra and mind. When chakra is pulled out, some of the Kyuubi’s will comes along as well. When too much power is drawn, the fox’s willpower will fill Naruto's heart with darkness. So Naruto has to have a strong enough will to fully overcome the Kyuubi's.

Currently only a little chakra is released through the seal, but the scroll key can unlock the full thing. And should the Kyuubi's will totally take over, it would be reborn. The two toads then discuss how Jiraiya attempted to tweak the seal when he was training with Naruto, which failed and caused Naruto to lose control. Naruto offers that it also happened when he fought Orochimaru; he lost control and hurt Sakura. From that point on he swore to use his own power. But when he saw Hinata also get hurt, he totally lost control until the Fourth closed the seal again. He concludes though that he can't escape who he is and that he’ll need the Kyuubi's power to fight Sasuke. Thinking back to his dad, Naruto reaches out and touches the key, promising that he's now ready to learn how to control the seal.

Naruto offers that he's all theirs now and it's time to find the octopus. In Kumo, plans are made in a meeting for the coalition and Bee writes in his notebook. With Samehada leaning next to his table, he debates new lyrics for his rhymes, pondering how well -tebayo would work as an ending. From his hidden location, Kisame remarks happily that he now knows Kumo's strength thanks to Bee's stupidity. Bee decides the "-tebayo" sucks while Shii concludes his organizational statements. Raikage approves of the plan and directs his ninja to dispatch word to the other villages; they'll conduct a joint meeting with them in three days time...

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