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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Naruto Volume 53

Naruto Chapter 492: "Greetings!!" - Killer Bee lands on the deck with Samehada in tow and Naruto offers his thanks which ends in his traditional "dattebayo". Bee looks to his lyric book and to the crossed out "-tebayo". He offers a rhyme about being wary of Naruto, who in turn has second thoughts about Bee's weird nature. The Kumo ninja explains how Bee developed enka rap and another ninja named Motoi greets them from shore. From within the ship, Aoba assists a seasick Guy. A short time later the Leaf and Cloud are ashore and a gigantic gorilla roars at them. Bee tells the beast to calm down and exchanges fist bumps with him.

The Kumo ninja explains how Bee tamed all the wild animals; he also reveals the island has a barrier which will alert them if anyone appears. Naruto asks who the guy is anyway? Motoi reveals that he's Killer Bee, the Hachibi Jinchuuriki who learned to control his Bijuu and its power on this very island. A short time later Naruto knocks on the door to Bee's living quarters. Bee answers and asks if Naruto wants an autograph.

Naruto demands the man train him, explaining that he's the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. Bee says he's on vacation, why waste it training? Naruto affirms that they're both Jinchuuriki and the he needs his help. Bee states Naruto has the right attitude, but is he a bad enough guy to handle it? Naruto fumbles out a rap asking for help which Bee offers isn't bad. He then states they need to exchange fist bumps first and Naruto happily does so. He offers another rap which realizes too late insults Bee. Bee remains silent and Naruto changes tactics. Forming a hand seal, he transforms into a harem of girls which drape themselves over Bee.

The Hachibi Jinchuuriki remains silent and slams the door, leaving a frustrated Naruto behind. Naruto pounds on the door again, wondering if he has the wrong octopus. Motoi finally answers and Naruto asks why Bee won't train him, since he and Bee are both Jinchuuriki. Motoi reacts harshly to what he sees as Naruto's insolence, but Naruto says he knows what Bee went through, he just wants to know why he won't help him. Motoi offers that Bee sees Naruto for who he really is, and asks if Bee greeted him. Naruto says they exchanged fist bumps. Motoi smiles and says he'll take Naruto to where Bee trained. Yamato appears and says he should come along too since he's a Mokuton user.

They arrive at the Waterfall of Truth and Motoi directs Naruto to sit on a stone before it. Yamato asks if this is to train the Bijuu, but Motoi offers that part is later. He directs Naruto to close his eyes, so he can see who he truly is. Naruto does so and a voice from the falls asks about the nerve of those Leaf ninja who asked for his autograph, acting like they were his friends. Naruto opens his eyes in shock to see another Naruto with a darker nature emerge from the falls...

Naruto Chapter 493: "Dark Naruto!!" - Naruto asks who the man is, and the dark figure replies that he's him. Naruto states he didn't create a clone but the figure says he's the real Naruto, the true self in Naruto's heart. Naruto calls the talk nonsense but the figure reveals he's Naruto's inner hatred, his darkness. And he made one mistake so far, catching the eye of the Kyuubi. Naruto recalls Gerotora's words that the Kyuubi can hijack the hatred in one�s heart. Naruto grasps the figure's nature and the dark Naruto charges. The two exchange blows and Naruto declares the man an imposter.

Elsewhere Bee pushes a giant bear out of a sumo ring and chides the creature for being too soft. Hachibi asks Bee why he didn't help the Jinchuuriki. He himself has no love for the Kyuubi, but the kid had potential. He offers that he himself was wild back in the day until he met Bee and even compared to back then, Bee... Bee tells him to shut it and offers that Naruto insulted rap and anyway... We cut back to Naruto who regains his feet as his darker self does the same. Equal in strength, Naruto tries a different approach. He creates a mass of Kage Bunshin; however the darker one does the same, annoying the original Naruto.

Yamato asks Motoi what's going on, as Naruto still sits unmoving before the falls. Motoi reveals that the falls reflect one�s inner self in their mind, causing Naruto to fight himself internally. Naruto suddenly wakens and explains to Yamato what he saw. Motoi reveals that Naruto must beat the inner darkness to be able to use the Bijuu's power. Naruto asks how he's supposed to fight someone he's evenly matched with and wonders if Bee would help if asked. He asks Motoi if he can talk about Bee's past, as it may give some training hints.

Motoi says he's not comfortable with such talk, but since controlling the Bijuu is important to stabilizing the world, he'll do so. He explains that Bee was made a Jinchuuriki when he was young and the villagers hated and feared him. However Bee didn't get depressed, he always remained cheerful, tried to express himself and appeal to people. He had so much pride because his older brother was the Raikage. He explains how making Jinchuuriki from friends or relatives of the Kage would help ensure their loyalty to the village. So Bee probably wanted to become a great Jinchuuriki for his brother's sake. Bee managed to complete his training at the falls in an instant and Motoi states that he regards him as a hero.

Yamato offers that it's nice to hear Bee is beloved. Naruto asks if Motoi can speak to Bee about helping out but the Cloud ninja says he cannot, as he tried to kill Bee. Naruto and Yamato are shocked and ask that didn't he just say he respected Bee? Motoi is silent and Naruto demands to know what happened. Motoi relents for another Jinchuuriki's sake and says the incident was thirty years ago...

Naruto Chapter 494: "Killer Bee & Motoi" - Motoi explains how the Hachibi Jinchuuriki could not control the Hachibi, as it would run rampant forcing Sandaime Raikage to subdue it at the cost of removing it from its host. The battles against it cost many lives, including Motoi's father. Yamato asks if that means Bee killed his father? Motoi says no, he and Bee were just boys then. But the village's drive to make use of the Bijuu caused them to select Bee as the next host. After becoming the Hachibi Jinchuuriki, the always smiling Bee tried to remain friendly but Motoi gave him the cold shoulder. Though they were once friends, Motoi states he grew to believe the Hachibi was uncontrollable and blamed it for his father's death.

Hidden in robes he attempted to stab Bee in the back with a kunai, but Bee turned and the blade was knocked away by of the swords sheathed on Bee's back. Motoi explains how Bee moved to fist bump but he himself just ran in fright. Bee probably knew it was him and Motoi couldn't bring himself to talk to him again. Over time he watched Bee and he saw how the village also grew to hate and fear him. This hurt Bee and he's never been able to talk to him about his attempt on his life. He's telling Naruto now because he's a Jinchuuriki too. Naruto is shaken with the thought that Motoi is just using him, so he excuses himself. Sitting alone, Naruto thinks back to how he was shunned, but then later praised after defeating Pain. He remembers Gaara's past and eventual rise to Kazekage. He then ponders the favor Kumo now has for Bee and how he's never consciously considered the negative thoughts voiced by the darker version of himself. As Naruto wonders if they actually do trust him a voice screams out.

From the sea before him the squid emerges carrying Motoi. Yamato arrives and Naruto looks on while gathering himself. Suddenly he yells out for the Octo-guy to stop, as Motoi trusts and depends on him. Yamato and Motoi are silent in confusion. Yamato yells out to clarify that the monster before them is the squid from earlier, not the Hachibi. Naruto apologizes, thinking that Motoi may have been angered for spilling Motoi's secret. Yamato moves to subdue the beast with wood, while Naruto forms Rasengan. Before he can attack, Hachibi arrives and frees Motoi. A short time later a morose Motoi asks Bee if he knew all along that he tried to kill him, and yet Bee saved him anyway? Bee raises his arm for a fist bump and smiles saying he had no clue... Moved by Bee's compassion to not let anything get him down, Motoi extends his fist to bump and begins to cry.

Naruto Chapter 495: "Crush Dark Naruto" - Naruto thanks Bee as they walk through the jungle and Motoi discusses with Yamato how similar Naruto's personality is to Bee's. Naruto attempts another rap but Bee replies he still needs to work on it. He fist bumps Naruto, who offers a successfully rap ending with "-dattebayo". Bee mocks the saying but then uses a variation of it in telling him to drop it. He soon directs Naruto to return to the falls. A short time later Naruto sits before the falls and the dark figure returns. The figure offers that Naruto can't stop him but Naruto says he knows that, but then the dark figure should also know what he's planning to do.

The figure reacts in confusion and Naruto states that what he focuses on should be reflected back, right? He focuses and his autograph appears above him. The dark Naruto reacts in anger, challenging that no one cares about the autograph, they treat him as a hero now, but they're the ones who tortured him in the past. He yells that they can't be trusted but Naruto retorts that there's someone else he needs to believe in first. He needs to have faith himself, to understand he's worthy of such regard. The dark figure is silent and falls to his knees. He asks wearily why, after all they did? Naruto states it's like Bee, he's proud of himself and not ashamed.

The dark figure becomes enraged and charges, demanding to know what he's supposed to do now? Naruto offers that he may only be as strong as he is today because of his darker side. As the dark figure moves to clothesline Naruto, the original embraces the dark one, offering that he should be like Naruto, because he IS Naruto. Naruto thanks him and the dark figure disperses into nothing. Naruto wakens in reality and the others are happy at his success. Bee cautions that it's not over yet, and raps that it's now time to learn to control the Kyuubi. He directs Naruto to head through the waterfall and Yamato asks to come along too. Bee says that's fine and Motoi takes his leave to report to Kumo. The trio head through the falls, which conceal a gigantic cavern chamber, adorned with a huge mural of the Hachibi and stone buildings. Naruto is amazed and Bee offers that this will be the site where Naruto fights the Kyuubi...

Naruto Chapter 496: "Meeting the Kyuubi Once Again!" - Bee leads the others through a passage way flanked by headless statues, which Yamato remarks must be ancient and priceless. Naruto asks how he's supposed to fight the Kyuubi, which Yamato remarks is foolish. Bee offers that you can't control a Bijuu without a little craziness. He explains how the room beyond is one of purification which will let him speak to the Kyuubi. To enter, a Jinchuuriki has to stick their head into the gaping mouth of the animal on the wall, should any evil remain in his heart, the jaws will snap shut, removing his head as happened to the other Jinchuuriki they saw on the way in.

Yamato offers such a thing is too dangerous and directs Naruto to use a clone, but Bee yells that the temple is sacred and won't be fooled by such tricks. Naruto affirms he has to believe in himself and sticks his head in. Quickly he yells out in alarm and Yamato rushes to his aid to pull him out. Yamato looks on in horror as Naruto's body stands decapitated. Suddenly Naruto pulls down his shirt, revealing his head was okay. He explains that there was only a switch inside and that he knew Yamato would fall for his joke. Bee bursts out in laughter, offering he did the exact same thing when he did it. A door opens, revealing a chamber of white light.

Bee explains that Naruto should go inside and focus like at the falls to commune with the Kyuubi. He asks Naruto what kind of seal he has and Naruto explains it's Four Element. Bee calls the seal impressive, being better than his Iron Armor seal. He then asks Naruto if he has the key, which he affirms he does. Yamato questions the sanity of such action, asking what will they do if they can't stop the Kyuubi? Bee states they'll seal it inside, as the chamber was made for precisely that purpose. Bee questions if they'll bail if things go bad, but Naruto says they won't. He has to learn to control the Kyuubi. The door closes and Naruto and Bee soon sit and join fist to fist. He directs Naruto to remove the seal and Naruto soon stands before the Kyuubi's prison in his soul. Naruto compliments the beast on looking as evil as ever and the Kyuubi reacts in surprise, questioning that he can't sense Naruto's real self any longer.

Naruto offers that the real him is standing before the prison. He tears away the seal on the door, revealing another lock underneath. The Kyuubi asks what he's doing and Naruto directs him to just watch. Lifting his shirt, Naruto extends his arm which soon displays a key mark. He grabs the seal on his stomach and it begins to swirl and unlock as the lock on the cage does the same. With the seal unlocked the Kyuubi swipes out, knocking the doors open. Naruto is thrown backwards and the Kyuubi roars. Bee directs Naruto to trap the Kyuubi's chakra with his own and then rip it out. Tentacles soon wrap the Kyuubi to pin it in place. Bee directs Naruto to pull out the Kyuubi chakra and take it into his own. The Kyuubi severs the tentacles and Bee offers his apologies that he can't use his full power in Naruto's soul. Bee offers that while Naruto tries to pull out the Kyuubi chakra, the beast will try to pull out Naruto's. Should Naruto go to zero chakra, he'll die. The Kyuubi is amused, recognizing that Naruto is finally trying to take control of his powers. Naruto yells out that he's ready for the challenge...

Naruto Chapter 497: "Nine Tails Vs Naruto" - The Kyuubi chides Naruto for using Hachibi's help but Bee encourages Naruto, directing him to remove the beast's chakra from its mind and use his own willpower to block its hatred. The Kyuubi creates a compressed chakra sphere and fires it. Quickly a Hachibi arm takes shape to catch and smother the blast, which weakens Bee and prevents him from further helping . Naruto thanks the man and contemplates that he was able to read the Kyuubi's moves. He forms clones and unleashes a gigantic Rasengan against the Kyuubi. Tails move in to block the attack and the Kyuubi forces Naruto into retreat.

The Bijuu questions if Naruto thinks he can actually win? Naruto answers that he wouldn't have taken the seal off otherwise. Another Sennin Mode Naruto grabs Kyuubi by the tail and flips him over, while two other Narutos unleash a Rasen Shuriken into the Bijuu’s unprotected chest. The jutsu expands and Naruto moves to withdraw the Kyuubi's chakra while it's being hammered. The jutsu ends as Naruto continues to pull out the chakra. The Kyuubi emits an essence of hatred into his chakra which is soon pulled in by Naruto. Dark thoughts begin to cloud his mind and he quickly grabs his head in confusion. Bee voices encouragement but the Kyuubi begins to draw Naruto's chakra into his own.

The beast boasts that Naruto is nothing and the dark thoughts continue to plague the young man’s mind. His left eye soon turns dark as he remembers the past. Bee yells that the Kyuubi was stronger than he thought and that Naruto needs help. Yamato attempts to hold it back while a dark voice tells Naruto he's where he belongs. As he tries to make sense of the feelings overtaking him, a female voice greets him. A confused Naruto looks on towards the face of his newly arrived mother Kushina...

Naruto Chapter 498: "Mom's Red Hair" - Naruto demands to know who the woman is and she laughs, asking him to guess. He accuses her of being the Kyuubi's true form and she laughs loudly. He then offers that no woman laughs like that. She lets out an angered "Dattebane!" and punches him. Naruto is confused and the woman apologizes, offering that she's always been hot-blooded, and prone to much such nonsense exclamations when excited. She asks if he's the same and Naruto seeks out in realization. She curses Minato for not telling him anything and offers that she is indeed... Naruto quickly embraces his mother.

As tears well in his eyes, he closes them, sending the darkness out of his body. He uses -dattebayo and explains that he always wanted to meet her. She responds with -dattebane and says he is indeed her son. In reality, Bee and Yamato ponder why Naruto's transformation stopped. Back inside, Kushina says they can talk, but first she needs to take care of the fox. Chains emerge from Naruto, encircle and pin the beast down. The Kyuubi rages, recognizing Kushina's chakra. Kushina and Naruto sit, and she explains how her chakra was also used to make the Kyuubi seal, in the hopes she and Minato could aid Naruto in the future. Naruto laughs and explains that he's just glad she's so pretty. She thanks him and states that though he looks like her, she's glad he's got his father's hair.

Naruto offers that he'd look good with her red hair color too. She reveals that Naruto is only the second to compliment her hair, his father being the first. Naruto smiles and suddenly asks how she and Minato fell in love. Kushina blushes and offers a "-dattebane" that it's embarrassing. She explains how she came to Konoha when she was young, and thought Minato was a flake when she first saw him. Wanting to make a strong first impression with the other students, she gave an impassioned declaration that she would be the first female Hokage. The other children didn't like such presumption and infuriatingly called her tomato because of her round face and red hair. Naruto asks if Minato stood up for her but she says no, she beat up the boys in a fury, giving rise to her new nickname of the "Red Hot-Blooded Habanero".

Naruto is suddenly quiet, remembering how Kiba and Shikamaru commented on their scary mothers. He then asks what dad's dream was, and she reveals he wanted to be acknowledged by everyone in the village and be Hokage. Naruto smiles, thinking over how similar their goals were and Kushina says she didn't believe in Minato. Naruto asks why but she says that all changed, she used to hate her hair but because of Minato that ended. She was kidnapped by Kumo because of her special chakra. But as she was led away by the Cloud, she pulled out her long red hair, leaving a trail. No one from Konoha could find her except for one person, his father. After Minato rescued her, he offered that he saw her beautiful hair right away. On that day, her red hair became a thread of fate, she would like her hair and love Minato.

Naruto grins and blushes and Kushina offers that there's one thing she says to the men who compliment her hair... "I love you." Naruto is bashful and Kushina asks him what's the product of the "Yellow Flash" and "Red Hot-Blooded Habanero"? Naruto stands, pulls out his jacket and announces that it's "Konoha's Orange Hokage!"

Naruto Chapter 499 : "New Seal" - With his mother's words of encouragement echoing through his mind, Naruto lets out a roar. The Kyuubi condemns Kushina as Naruto begins to reassert control. In reality he loses his chakra cloak and Yamato questions the nature of his returning to normal. Bee advises patience and inside Kushina tells Naruto now’s the time, as her chakra won't hold the Kyuubi long. Naruto affirms and creates a large number of clones. The Kyuubi begins to rip off his chains as the Narutos all launch with Rasengans.

The Kyuubi swats them aside and warns Naruto not to get full of himself. Kushina concentrates, using the remaining chain to pull Kyuubi's legs out from under him. The Narutos change into Sennin Mode and increase the size of their Rasengans. They're delivered into the prone Kyuubi as a concussive blast. The beast remains shaken as Naruto launches a Rasen Shuriken into it full force. The Kyuubi is shocked by Naruto's strength as he successfully overcomes the beast's will and separates its chakra from its body. The clones disappear as the Kyuubi chakra disperses and is absorbed into Naruto's body. A full seal pattern emerges on Naruto, giving him a partial resemblance to the Rikudou Sennin.

The Kyuubi tells him to stop and beings to create a large compressed chakra blast. Naruto is surprised that the beast is still so powerful and twists the seal shut on his stomach. Gates come crashing down to pin the Kyuubi in place and the beast remarks it's similarity to the Rikudou. The gates quickly interlock and combine to form a new prison. The Kyuubi challenges that he won't forget what just happened and Naruto offers his apologies, stating he won't hurt the beast. Kushina congratulates her son and offers that she can follow Minato now. Naruto is saddened by the news but his mother offers that she has more to tell him before she goes; the truth about the incident 16 years ago. Naruto asks what it is and she offers that it all goes back to her time as the previous Kyuubi Jinchuuriki...

Naruto Chapter 500 : "The Birth Of Naruto" - Naruto is surprised and Kushina explains that she was the second Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. She herself was brought to Konoha to become the next vessel from the Whirlpool Country. The Senju and Uzumaki were distant relatives, so their ties were strong. The citizens of Hidden Whirling Tide were known for their long lives and high level of sealing abilities. She herself taught Minato many seals, including the seal on Naruto’s stomach. She then explains how the whirlpool mark on Naruto's jacket and Leaf flak jacket is Whirling Tides mark, used as a sign of goodwill towards their home village. In time the village was destroyed by those who feared their sealing jutsu, and the survivors fled throughout the world.

Naruto demands to know why she was made into a Jinchuuriki then, and Kushina explains how her chakra was suited for it, being similar to the predecessor kunoichi Jinchuuriki. She laughs, offering that the woman's name was Uzumaki Mito, who married Shodai Hokage, like she herself married a Hokage too. She asks Naruto if he knows of the battle between Shodai and Madara and he affirms. She explains how during the battle Shodai gained control of the Kyuubi, and Mito sealed it within herself to assist her husband. From then on Konoha possessed the Kyuubi and as Mito's life neared its end, she was brought to the village to be the next vessel. Naruto angrily declares that they used her and Kushina offers that she had no idea why she had to move. Only the Hokage and advisors knew the truth and she felt the loneliness of such a burden begin to overtake her. That changed when she spoke to Mito, who offered that before the Kyuubi can be sealed away, the host must first fill the vessel with love. If that happens, even the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki can have a happy life.

Naruto asks his mom if she was happy and thinking back with her time with Minato she says yes. Naruto wipes tears away and Kushina tells him he doesn't need to cry anymore. Naruto steadies himself and then asks how the masked guy attacked 16 years ago if she had the Kyuubi? Kushina offers that yes he did control it, but just moments before it was in her. The masked man somehow knew that the seal was weakest during childbirth. A full pregnancy term for a Jinchuuriki mother is about 10 months, and as energy goes to developing the child, the seal weakens in direct proportion.

Naruto Chapter 501: "The Kyuubi Strikes" - As Minato wonders how the man bypassed the barrier, Kushina winces as the seal begins to fail. The intruder asks Minato if he cares for his son and the Hokage tells the man to calm down. He offers that he is calm and launches Naruto into the air. Minato flickers to Naruto as the masked man moves to swipe his kunai. As Minato cradles his son, explosive tags concealed in the blanket activate. He moves to throw it off as he teleports away. A building explodes and Minato hurtles to safety, shielding his son from the debris. He gives thanks that Naruto was not hurt and removes a splinter of wood from his own leg. He determines the man wanted him split from Kushina and that he has to hurry back. He uses Hiraishin again to teleport Naruto to a secure location.

A short time later Kushina is held down in a ceremonial altar. She demands to know what the man is after and he explains that he's going to rip the Kyuubi out of her to destroy Konoha. She's shocked and the man notes that he sees Minato's Hiraishin teleport mark in her Kyuubi seal. However with Minato out of the way and the seal weak... his time has finally arrived. Elsewhere Minato tucks Naruto in and asks his son to wait while he saves his mom. Back at the altar, the Kyuubi locks eyes with the masked man's Sharingan and is suddenly freed from his bindings. He roars and the man commands him to come forth.

Kushina remains helpless as the seal fails, allowing the Kyuubi to emerge from her body and take form above her. It roars again, finally free and the man directs the beast to head for Konoha. A weakened Kushina begs them to stop and the man remarks in surprise at the Uzumaki Clan's vitality and ability to not immediately die from Bijuu removal. He then offers that it's fitting for the beast to kill its former host anyway. The Kyuubi swipes, destroying the area where Kushina lay prone. It looks up to see Kushina safely in the hands of Minato and the masked man offers that it's too late anyway.

Kushina asks if Naruto is okay and Minato says yes, she then reveals that the man and Kyuubi are headed for Konoha. He teleports away with his wife and the masked man moves to continue on. Minato delivers Kushina to safety and she asks why he's doing this. He tells her not to think about it and to stay with Naruto. Fighting exhaustion she lays beside her son, cradles him and cries. Minato clenches his fist and his wife thanks him and wishes him luck. Putting on his Yondaime Hokage flame jacket, he offers he'll be back soon. Elsewhere at the Uchiha compound a young Itachi holds his younger brother in his arms and looks to the night sky, wondering why he's getting such an awful feeling...

Naruto Volume 1 - Naruto Volume 2 - Naruto Volume 3 - Naruto Volume 4 - Naruto Volume 5 - Naruto Volume 6 - Naruto Volume 7 - Naruto Volume 8 - Naruto Volume 9 - Naruto Volume 10 - Naruto Volume 11 - Naruto Volume 12 - Naruto Volume 13 - Naruto Volume 14 - Naruto Volume 15 - Naruto Volume 16 - Naruto Volume 17 - Naruto Volume 18 - Naruto Volume 19 - Naruto Volume 20 - Naruto Volume 21 - Naruto Volume 22 - Naruto Volume 23 - Naruto Volume 24 - Naruto Volume 25 - Naruto Volume 26 - Naruto Volume 27 - Naruto Volume 28 - Naruto Volume 29 - Naruto Volume 30 - Naruto Volume 31 - Naruto Volume 32 - Naruto Volume 33 - Naruto Volume 34 - Naruto Volume 35 - Naruto Volume 36 - Naruto Volume 37 - Naruto Volume 38 - Naruto Volume 39 - Naruto Volume 40 - Naruto Volume 41 - Naruto Volume 42 - Naruto Volume 43 - Naruto Volume 44 - Naruto Volume 45 - Naruto Volume 46 - Naruto Volume 47 - Naruto Volume 48 - Naruto Volume 49 - Naruto Volume 50 - Naruto Volume 51 - Naruto Volume 52 - Naruto Volume 53 - Naruto Volume 54

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