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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Naruto 493

Naruto asks who the man is, and the dark figure replies that he's him. Naruto states he didn't create a clone but the figure says he's the real Naruto, the true self in Naruto's heart. Naruto calls the talk nonsense but the figure reveals he's Naruto's inner hatred, his darkness. And he made one mistake so far, catching the eye of the Kyuubi. Naruto recalls Gerotora's words that the Kyuubi can hijack the hatred in one�s heart. Naruto grasps the figure's nature and the dark Naruto charges. The two exchange blows and Naruto declares the man an imposter. Elsewhere Bee pushes a giant bear out of a sumo ring and chides the creature for being too soft.

Hachibi asks Bee why he didn't help the Jinchuuriki. He himself has no love for the Kyuubi, but the kid had potential. He offers that he himself was wild back in the day until he met Bee and even compared to back then, Bee... Bee tells him to shut it and offers that Naruto insulted rap and anyway... We cut back to Naruto who regains his feet as his darker self does the same. Equal in strength, Naruto tries a different approach. He creates a mass of Kage Bunshin; however the darker one does the same, annoying the original Naruto.

Yamato asks Motoi what's going on, as Naruto still sits unmoving before the falls. Motoi reveals that the falls reflect one�s inner self in their mind, causing Naruto to fight himself internally. Naruto suddenly wakens and explains to Yamato what he saw. Motoi reveals that Naruto must beat the inner darkness to be able to use the Bijuu's power. Naruto asks how he's supposed to fight someone he's evenly matched with and wonders if Bee would help if asked. He asks Motoi if he can talk about Bee's past, as it may give some training hints. Motoi says he's not comfortable with such talk, but since controlling the Bijuu is important to stabilizing the world, he'll do so. He explains that Bee was made a Jinchuuriki when he was young and the villagers hated and feared him.

However Bee didn't get depressed, he always remained cheerful, tried to express himself and appeal to people. He had so much pride because his older brother was the Raikage. He explains how making Jinchuuriki from friends or relatives of the Kage would help ensure their loyalty to the village. So Bee probably wanted to become a great Jinchuuriki for his brother's sake. Bee managed to complete his training at the falls in an instant and Motoi states that he regards him as a hero. Yamato offers that it's nice to hear Bee is beloved. Naruto asks if Motoi can speak to Bee about helping out but the Cloud ninja says he cannot, as he tried to kill Bee. Naruto and Yamato are shocked and ask that didn't he just say he respected Bee? Motoi is silent and Naruto demands to know what happened. Motoi relents for another Jinchuuriki's sake and says the incident was thirty years ago...

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