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Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Naruto 492

Killer Bee lands on the deck with Samehada in tow and Naruto offers his thanks which ends in his traditional "dattebayo". Bee looks to his lyric book and to the crossed out "-tebayo". He offers a rhyme about being wary of Naruto, who in turn has second thoughts about Bee's weird nature. The Kumo ninja explains how Bee developed enka rap and another ninja named Motoi greets them from shore. From within the ship, Aoba assists a seasick Guy. A short time later the Leaf and Cloud are ashore and a gigantic gorilla roars at them. Bee tells the beast to calm down and exchanges fist bumps with him.

The Kumo ninja explains how Bee tamed all the wild animals; he also reveals the island has a barrier which will alert them if anyone appears. Naruto asks who the guy is anyway? Motoi reveals that he's Killer Bee, the Hachibi Jinchuuriki who learned to control his Bijuu and its power on this very island. A short time later Naruto knocks on the door to Bee's living quarters. Bee answers and asks if Naruto wants an autograph. Naruto demands the man train him, explaining that he's the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. Bee says he's on vacation, why waste it training? Naruto affirms that they're both Jinchuuriki and the he needs his help.

Bee states Naruto has the right attitude, but is he a bad enough guy to handle it? Naruto fumbles out a rap asking for help which Bee offers isn't bad. He then states they need to exchange fist bumps first and Naruto happily does so. He offers another rap which realizes too late insults Bee. Bee remains silent and Naruto changes tactics. Forming a hand seal, he transforms into a harem of girls which drape themselves over Bee. The Hachibi Jinchuuriki remains silent and slams the door, leaving a frustrated Naruto behind. Naruto pounds on the door again, wondering if he has the wrong octopus. Motoi finally answers and Naruto asks why Bee won't train him, since he and Bee are both Jinchuuriki.

Motoi reacts harshly to what he sees as Naruto's insolence, but Naruto says he knows what Bee went through, he just wants to know why he won't help him. Motoi offers that Bee sees Naruto for who he really is, and asks if Bee greeted him. Naruto says they exchanged fist bumps. Motoi smiles and says he'll take Naruto to where Bee trained. Yamato appears and says he should come along too since he's a Mokuton user. They arrive at the Waterfall of Truth and Motoi directs Naruto to sit on a stone before it. Yamato asks if this is to train the Bijuu, but Motoi offers that part is later. He directs Naruto to close his eyes, so he can see who he truly is. Naruto does so and a voice from the falls asks about the nerve of those Leaf ninja who asked for his autograph, acting like they were his friends. Naruto opens his eyes in shock to see another Naruto with a darker nature emerge from the falls...

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