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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 498: Naruto's Sudden reunion with his mother Kushina!!!

Kushina: Your not going anywhere Naruto!!, This is where you belong!.

Naruto: Who are you lady??

Kushina: My name is Kushina Uzumaki, I am the wife of Minato, and I am your Mother. Now come over and give me a hug I havent seen you since you were a baby!!

Naruto: ( Tears flowing from Naruto's Eyes!!!) How, why , what happened for you to be here??

Kushina: I know you have many questions Naruto, But when your Father fought against both the Masked Nin and the Kyuubi, he was overwhelmed by the Masked Nin ability and the Kyuubi's power. And so we decided that the only way to save the village was to seal away the Kyuubi inside of you.

Naruto: But why me Mom!!

Kushina: I need you to know, That I was against this from the beginning, But Minato made sense with what he proposed. He had faith that you could handle the kyuubi's chakra But as for the Hatred this Fox had, we never planned on you recieving the Kyuubi's Hate!!

Naruto: what do you mean ? I was only going to have the chakra and not its will also??

Kushina: Thats what I was trying to do for you Naruto, I wanted the Kyuubi's Hate to be sealed inside of me while you recieved its power. But as Minato was sealing the Chakra into you I was consumed by the Kyuubi's hate and dragged into the seal along with the chakra that Minato sealed inside of you.

Naruto: (Tearing up greatly) So you were giving your life so that I didnt have to deal with the hatred that came with the Kyuuibi!!

Kushina: Unfortunately it didnt work out that way, I never wanted you to have the Kyuubi's hate because I knew Life would have been hard for you and I didnt want that for you Naruto!! While in the seal I have learned to completely avoid the Kyuubi's Hate and he cannot touch me with his thoughts!

Naruto: What, But how!!

Meanwhile outside with Bee and Yamato:
Bee: Whats going on?? the Chakra seems to have stopped flowing?? Looks like Naruto is at a stand still with the Kyuubi's Will!!
Yamato: I hope Naruto can do it!!! Please dont fail Naruto We need you to WIN!!!

Back in Naruto's Mind:
Kushina: Thats easy actually Naruto, I just kept thinking of the Love I have for you!!

Naruto: ( Crying) Oh Mom I wanted you in my life soo much!! I didnt even know why I was in this world without a Mom or Dad and nobody every told me that you two were such loving people!!

Kushina: Thats the Key Naruto Keep it up!! Its Love that will defeat the Kyuubi's Hate!! at the Falls you confronted and accepted your Hate!! But to defeat the Hate and Will the Kyuubi has, You will need something much stronger. You will need Love!! Think of everyone you Love and use them as your reason to take control of this Stupid Fox ( Smiles and gives the same Thumbs up that Naruto gives :-) )

Naruto: I love you Mom and I Love Dad for everything you did for me even before I was able to walk!! I will not fail you Mom!! ( Naruto then thinks and is engulfed by the love he has recieved from his mother, father, Jirayia, Kakashi, Yamato, Sakura, and Even Sasuke)

Kushina: Great Job my Son!! You will change the world and you will be the Greatest Ninja that this world will know!! Stop the cycle of Hate Naruto!! Only you can do this!!.

Naruto: Will I see you again Mom!!

Kushina: You will always see me Naruto, I am the presence that will always be in your heart!

Naruto: Fox, Lets try this again! ( Naruto Pulls harder then ever now at the Kyuubis Chakra)

Kyuuibi: Like I said Boy, You dont have what it takes to control me!!....,...( What is this feeling he is giving me? I hate this, He is showing me Love!! Nooooooo)

Naruto: My mom was right!!! Loving you makes this easy!!

Kyuuubi: How Naruto!! How can you even show me this love!!!

Naruto: Because you are what my parents died for!! So that I may use your power to save this world, and even though they died for this cause, I have now been Reunited with my mother and she will forever stay in my heart!! and I Love you for that!!

Kyuubi: Ahhhh you Little brat!!

Back with Bee and Yamato--
Bee: He did it!!
Naruto: yes I did!!
Yamato: Im soo proud of you for defeating the Kyuubi But what happened when you almost lost control of the Kyuubi?
Naruto: My mother Kushina Saved me from the Kyuubi's hate and she showed me how I could defeat it!!
Yamato: ( Jaw Dropped) !!!!! You know of Kushina!

Next Chapter : Naruto 499 - The Organge Hokage is Born!!

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