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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 499: The Organge Hokage is Born!!

Kushina: HAHAHA I like that one Naruto!!

Naruto: Mom I want to tell you something.

Kushina: Anything Honey!

Naruto: I used to feel upset and sad that I had no parents, and the kyuubi being sealed inside me, made it worse for me because everyone in the village hated me and they all avoided me because of fear or hate, since I had this beast inside me.

Kushina: I know what you went through Naruto and I am soo proud of my little boy being able to overcome all the hate that you had to deal with all your life!! So you know what I think!.

Naruto: What?

Kushina: I think that beating this dumb fox is a piece of cake for the Orange Hokage!!!,, Think about it my son, How did you turn out after being hated and feared by the village all your life and only recently where they able to accept you?? You have inherited your parents will of Fire, and if you can change the feelings of everyone in the village from Hate to Love? Then you can beat this fox, and next I even have faith that you can change the heart of that Sasuke child who appeared infront of the Fox's Prison a few years ago!.

Naruto: You saw that too Mom!

Kushina: I may not be able to be apart of your life but I keep a close eye on your life Naruto, and I see that the type of person you are, will completely change this world!!.

Naruto: Thanks Mom, Let me out so I can go put a leash on this Fox of mine!!.

Kushina: Smiles , Make the Bloody Habanero Proud!!!!

Kyuubi: GRRRRR ROOOOAAAAAR , You brat, You cant do anything yourself!!
Naruto: I have parents who love me and I will take all the help I can because I have people who care about me!!

Kyuubi: You think because you had a little chat with your mommy, You can defeat Mee!!!
Naruto: I am the product of Konaha's Yellow Flash and the Bloody Red Habenero!!, You are now dealing with the soon to be Orange Hokage, So get ready to be my Pet, BELIEVE IT!!!

Kyuubi: (This brat is giving off a strange chakra?? I have never felt this before) What is wrong with you Naruto?

Kushina: Grab the Kyuubi's Chakra and pull it all out this time Naruto, You can do it now without letting his Mind influencing you!!

Kyuubi: Where is the brat? he vanished??

Naruto: Im right here!! (Naruto appears right over the Kyuubi's head and starts pulling!!)

Kyuubi: You want my chakra that badly huh!! Lets see if you can handle it all then!!!
(the Kyuubis Chakra as well as its mind goes into Naruto)
Naruto: Ahhh that hurts!!!
(YamiNaruto: I hate them still!!,
GoodNaruto: Yes I know, but our Mom believes in us, She died for us to defeat the Kyuubi and I need your help to make Mom proud of us!)
(The left side of Naruto's face begins to smile and the hate that Naruto once had Truly fades away and becomes part of Naruto)

Kyuubi: What Just happened!! His hate has completely subsided!!
(Naruto Now pushes back the Hateful Will of the Kyuubi but keeps dragging out the Chakra)
Kyuubi: How Dare you Brat!!! You cannot Push my Mind out of my Chakra!!! I belong with my chakra!!!! ROOOOAAAARRRR

Kushina: Thats my Orange Hokage!! You have made the Bloody Red Habanero Proud Naruto!!

Naruto: Thank you Mom, I couldnt have done it without you!

Kushina: Always Remember your Father and I will be apart of your life and you will never be alone!!

Naruto Emerges Victorious over the Kyuubi and as he says farewell to his mother, He greets Yamato and Killer Bee as the second Perfect Jinchuuriki!!!!!

Next Chapter : Naruto 500 - Kushina the 9-Tails Jinchuuriki!!!!

Naruto 485 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 486 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 487 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 488 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 489 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 490 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 491 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 493 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 494 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 495 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 496 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 497 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 501 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 506 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 508 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 509 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 510 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 511 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 512 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 513 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 514 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 515 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 516 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 517 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 518 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 519 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 520 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

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