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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 500: Kushina the 9-Tails Jinchuuriki!!!!

Naruto: WHAT!! you were the Kyuubi's Host before me!!!

Kushina: Yes Naruto, Like you I didnt know I even had this beast inside of me when I was a child but some things from my past were told to me by the Third Hokage who had helped to find me. He told me that he and some Konoha Nins found me in a destroyed village near the Mist Village and since I was the only one in the wreckage!!.

Naruto: What happened mom!!

Kushina: It turns out All the Nins at my village were battling the Kyuubi and it took several powerful nins to subdue and seal the fox inside a little 5 year old girl! That girl was me, and it took the cost of my entire village to stop that fox!! Konoha Nins were on their way to help but they were too late!!

Naruto: Oh Man mom thats soo sad!!!

Kushina: Yes Naruto but let me tell you about the Masked Nin who pressured me into losing control of the Fox. Your Father and I were walking outside the village talking about your future, about who would look like and we were soo happy that you were about to come into this world!! That is when your Father and I were attacked!!

Naruto: Let me guess that was Madara!!

Kushina: Yes , As powerful as Minato was, he couldnt compete with Madara, and your father was desperately trying to keep Madara away from me since He wanted his Kyuubi back in his control.

Naruto: So Dad was fighting to protect you and me!!! ( Tears roll down Naruto's eyes as he knows how the fight will end!! )

Kushina: I couldnt help your father since I was 9 months pregnant with you, But when Madara became serious, he aimed at Killing your father!, That is when I lost control and I had to react to help your father!! And because of the Stress of this fight I gave in to the Kyuubi's will, I wanted to kill Madara for trying to kill Minato!!

Naruto: OH NOO MOM!!

Kushina: Something Odd happened though Naruto!!

Naruto: what was that??

Kushina: I was protected by you as the Kyuubi was unleashed!!

Naruto: WHAT!! How did I protect you??

Kushina: I feel you knew I was your Mom and you were protecting my spirit from the Fox somehow?? However you did it you kept me aware of what the Fox was doing even though I couldnt stop him, I at least could see what it was doing!!.

Naruto: What happened next??

Kushina: Madara was pleased that the Kyuubi was released, so he took a seat back and just watched as the Kyuubi was demolishing Konoha!! and so Minato now had to fight against the Kyuuibi, but he didnt know what to do because his unborn child and his wife were trapped inside!!

Naruto: Mom this is too much!! How could dad have possibly won!!

Kushina: It is times like this, where your Father Makes me sooo Proud!, He knew that I would sacrifice myself at anymoment to keep you alive and it also helps that your father was considered a genious with the techniques that he had!! After many konoha Nins died trying to stop the Kyuubi, I had enough, So I mustered up all the strength that I had and I released my chakra Chains from the Kyuuibi's Belly and I binded the 9 tails down to the ground!!.

Naruto: Awesome Mom you were able to fight back!!

Kushina: it wasnt much but that was the least I could do!! Minato Saw and felt my Chakra and he knew what I was trying to do for him, He took this opportunity to Call the Death God, He combined his efforts with Mine and we directed the Seal to contain the Kyuubi inside of you. But because there were two souls behind the jutsu, Minato also managed to seperate part of my soul and his soul to be sealed inside of you as precautions for when you needed our help in dealing with the Kyuubi.

Naruto: WOW Mom You and Dad must have been some powerful Ninjas!!

Kushina: How do you think Minato became the 4th Hokage!! He was no pushover you know!! But after the Kyuubi was sealed, The devastation Ceased, and we managed to keep you alive as our legacy.

Naruto: (Tearing up greatly) I promise mom I wont let anything like this happen to anyone ever again!!

Kushina: I know you will Naruto, I need to go now , I will tell Minato the good news and let him know that you have conqured the Kyuubi. He will be proud of you and Im sure we dont have anything to worry about now that you have this new power!!

Naruto:I love you mom !! I will miss You!!!!

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