First Manga Appearance: Chapter 408
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Unknown (Probably Jounin)
Bijuu: Eight-Tailed Demon Ox-Cephalopod
Power: Mini-Hachibi form ~ protective Hachibi chakra taking ox-cephalopod form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Bee
Status: Active
Info: Akatsuki has yet to find and seal two Jinchuuriki: Naruto and the Hachibi Bijuu named Kiraa Bii (Killer Bee). After Uchiha Madara swayed Sasuke to his side, he sent the young man after this Bijuu. They eventually found the Cloud ninja training in the mountains. Killer Bee is marked by a tattoo of "iron" on his shoulder and bull horns on his cheek. He also wields eight swords, taking the form of seven real swords and a tailed state form. He posseses the ability to become his Bijuu, that of a tentacled ox beast. He was eventually knocked out by Sasuke's Amaterasu and taken for sealing. His body was revealed as a transformed tentacle, while the real Bee was still safe in Lightning. This allowed Bee to escape capture and evade Akatsuki.
History and Myth
In some myths, the Ushi-Oni is sea creature commonly seen with an ox head and the body of another multi-limbed creature. The Hachibi appears based on this creature. The Cephalopod (class including squid and octopi) is an animal seen throughout the oceans and stories of giant sea creatures have been seen in Japan and throughout many cultures. In other non-Japanese myths, the Kraken is a giant squid capable of terrorizing large ships. The mysterious giant squid itself was finally seen in its natural habitat only recently by researchers.
This tattoo is worn on the left cheek of Killer Bee. The tattoo is that of ox horns, but it also resembles octopus arms. Together they are the two animals of his bijuu, an Ushi-Oni.
Other features which cause him to resemble a cephalopod are the two strands hanging from his belt, which resemble squid tentacles.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (Eight-Tail)
Killer Bee maintains a high level of control over his Jinchuuriki-Bijuu form. With chakra emanating from out of his body, a cloak and cephalopod arm-tails will form. These tails will form their own individual chakra tails, and also individually envelope his ropes strands and scarf. In total he will have five pure chakra tails and three chakra tails covering his clothing. He can also use two of the pure chakra tails as ox horns in his Rariatto technique, to barrel through his foes.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (Full Beast)
Killer Bee maintains a high level of control over his Jinchuuriki-bijuu form. After calling forth the Hachibi, Killer Bee will take on the beast's full appearance. In this form Killer Bee is able to emit a dark compressed chakra blast, which is capable of blasting through most anything.
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