First Manga Appearance: Chapter 1
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Bijuu: Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Demon Fox)
Power: Mini-Kyuubi form ~ protective Kyuubi chakra taking fox form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Naruto
Drawbacks: Excessive use of Kyuubi destroys Naruto's body and makes him a mindless killing machine
Status: Active
Info: Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi within Naruto after it attacked Konoha. Like many Jinchuuriki, Naruto lead a lonely life. Over time though, he gained friends and left his life of despair behind. He has been trained by the Sannin Jiraiya to make full use of Jinchuuriki gifts.
History and MythFirst Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Bijuu: Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Demon Fox)
Power: Mini-Kyuubi form ~ protective Kyuubi chakra taking fox form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Naruto
Drawbacks: Excessive use of Kyuubi destroys Naruto's body and makes him a mindless killing machine
Status: Active
Info: Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi within Naruto after it attacked Konoha. Like many Jinchuuriki, Naruto lead a lonely life. Over time though, he gained friends and left his life of despair behind. He has been trained by the Sannin Jiraiya to make full use of Jinchuuriki gifts.
The Kyuubi is a kitsune or fox. In myth the fox was said to change shape and have long life and use magic. The number of tails the kitsune possesses is said to tie into their length of life, with one tail said to be gained for every 100 years of life. Their powers will also grow as they age. At 1,000 years and nine-tails, the fox attains near-deity like powers.
Yondaime Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Kyuubi within the baby Naruto. He was reported to have used the Shiki Fuujin technique to seal the Kyuubi within Naruto, then used the Hakke no Fuuin Shiki & Shishou Fuuin seal styles to keep the Kyuubi within Naruto. The seal created an internalized prison for the Kyuubi, with a barrier gate and seal holding him within. The seal was designed so the Kyuubi's chakra could exit the prison and enter Naruto, which Yondaime Hokage knew would help Naruto.
After the Kyuubi was placed into his body, three facial markings appeared on Naruto's cheeks. When Naruto gets very angry and his uncontrolled Kyuubi power leaks out, the whiskers grow in size and become more feral looking. His eyes also turn from blue to red. His teeth and fingernails also grow longer and sharper.
Other features which cause Naruto to resemble a fox is the orange, black and white color of his outfit, his penchant for mischief and the squinty look to his eyes when confused.
Chakra: In the beginning Naruto was able to draw on the Kyuubi's chakra in times of heightened emotional distress and anger. After training with Jiraiya, Naruto was able to learn to draw on the Kyuubi's chakra at will. This chakra allows Naruto to use jutsu beyond his normal ability range, such as summoning Gamabunta.
Chakra Defense: When Kyuubi enhanced in his normal form, the swirling red chakra can deflect incoming attacks. When in his tailed form, his body is encased in a red fox aura generated by the Kyuubi inside him. Though the chakra will appear to protect him from outside harm, it is constantly damaging his body. It destroys the cells and then later regenerates them. At higher levels of Kyuubi chakra concentration, such as in the four-tails state, the chakra itself becomes poison to outside touch. Should flesh touch the burning Kyuubi form, it will be burned and poisoned by the chakra. Simple medical healing alone will not heal the wound.
Chakra Offense: The Kyuubi chakra in his tailed form can be used offensively. Naruto can extend this chakra into arms which can grab and strike at his opponents. These deadly limbs are near unpredictable and can extend far away from his central body. From his four-tailed form, this attack becomes even more refined. He is able to strike quick and if his main body gets hit, it can melt away allowing him to attack from another angle. He can also release this deadly chakra in massive bursts, destroying everything around it outwards spherically. In one of his deadliest attacks, he can swallow a mixture of the dark Kyuubi chakra and his own blood and then fire the chakra in a huge blast.
Healing: Because Kyuubi's life is tied to Naruto's own, one side affect of their union is the Kyuubi healing Naruto when injured. Unfortunately extended use from high levels of healing is killing Naruto. Because cells have a finite lifespan, the body's heavy regeneration when critically injured is shortening his life.

The first Kyuubi form revealed in the series, this form grants Naruto some measure of Kyuubi's chakra. This form typically emerges when Naruto becomes enraged. His whiskers turn more feral and his eyes turn red. His hair becomes bushy, his incisors grow longer and his fingernails grow sharp. In this form he is surrounded in the Kyuubi chakra and is able to move more quickly, use more chakra draining jutsu, heal his body faster and strike with more force.

When Naruto fought Sasuke at the Valley of the End, he was desperate to get his friend to return to Konoha. The fight pushed Naruto past his limits. When the fight began to turn in Sasuke's favor, the Kyuubi granted Naruto even more power than before, causing the red chakra surrounding Naruto to boil and bubble and take on the shape of a fox with long ears and a tail. This chakra is not bound to Naruto's body, being able to move and extend in as striking limbs. Though Naruto remains conscious in this state, the chakra can seemingly react of its own will. In this state the chakra will also act as a defense against incoming attacks.

When entering the two-tail state, Naruto becomes even more beast-like in appearance. His eyes grow larger and become outlined in a rough black. His incisor teeth also grow even larger than before. In a curious extension between the original Naruto and his shadow clones, when he entered this state his clones began to feel an intense burning within them, causing them to double over in pain.

Naruto's three-tail form resembles that of two-tails. In this state Naruto was able to roar and extend chakra outwards to devastating result. This outwards destructive sphere of chakra was so intense so as to destroy surrounding matter and violently push back any incoming attack with but a simple roar.

In this form Naruto loses all sense of himself, becoming a pure destructive beast with no regard for even his closest friends. In Naruto's internal Kyuubi prison, he crosses the protective barrier and falls into Kyuubi's grasp. Externally the Kyuubi chakra begins to melt off Naruto's very skin. His body changes to resemble the bushy whiskers on his face when enraged, and his hands form sharp claws. Ears and four tails extend from his body and he roars with a sharp maw of teeth. This form proves insanely destructive, able to roar, swipe and attack with hugely destructive results. And should any foes dare touch his form, they'll be burned by the intense heat. Unfortunately such prolonged usage of the Kyuubi tailed state is further weakening the seal Yondaime Hokage used to contain the bijuu.

This six-tails state is a further expansion on the four-tailed form. Naruto first encases himself in the poisonous red chakra. After the feral form is generated, bones will grow to form a fox skeleton to surround Naruto.

This eight-tails state is a further expansion on the six-tailed form. Within Naruto's internal Kyuubi prison, the seal on his stomach will twist, releasing more of Kyuubi's chakra. With the skeletal structure formed by going six-tails, muscles grow to surround the body. Because the seventh tail forms and ninth tail forms have not been seen, they possibly involve some further expanion on the "Kyuubi growth". Meaning that steps could possibly be the following: six - bones, seven - internal organs, eight - muscles, nine - skin.
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