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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 303

Sai says he was to meet Orochimaru and then spy on him. Orochimaru would betray them as soon as he took over Konoha, so they're just planning ahead. Sakura is surprised that Danzou sent Sai alone, but he says he's trained for this and that his ink can turn into animals and report back for him. She asks Sai how he could do this, the lives he is risking. He states “Sai” isn't even his name, he's no one, just a tool. Sakura asks how he can say that when he carries the picture book. The boy inside is his brother, and it serves as proof you do exist and have feelings. Sai takes the book and loses his smile. Sakura states that he keeps the book because it proves their tie and he doesn't want to break their link. Sai gets a surprised look on his face. Yamato states they looked inside, and saw the unfinished pages.

The two brothers were destined to fight each other, and he knows how the ANBU Root had similar comrade killing rituals to "Blood" Mist Village. Sai says "No" and states the book was to be a present to his brother, but he died from an illness. They weren't blood related but his brother praised his work. Root takes orphans, and he thought of him as a brother. He wanted to show his brother the final pages in the book but he died, and he can no longer remember what he wanted to draw. Outside Kabuto walks to their room and opens the door. The room is empty. Outside the compound Sai is tied up. Yamato says he's sorry to Sai; he'll have to stay here with his clones. Naruto eagerly says it's time to save Sasuke. Sai says that's doubtful, he met Sasuke and he says he no longer cares about you. He asks Naruto that he's willing to oppose Orochimaru? Naruto says yes, he hated Sasuke at first but he formed a close bond to him over time. Sai is still unsure and Naruto says even if his body is destroyed he won’t stop. No matter what he'll take Sasuke back from Orochimaru. A surprised Sai can only watch on...

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