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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 304

The team jumps back as kunai pepper the ground around Sai. Kabuto lands and states it looks like he got caught and didn't betray them after all. He then cuts Sai's bonds. Above Kabuto on the cliff two bunshin form a Rasengan and charge, Kabuto easily kicks it away stating it's useless. Naruto says he had to at least try and Kabuto states he was referring to saving Sasuke, he's different now. Suddenly Sai grabs Kabuto from behind and the Sound nin demands to know what is going on. Sai states sometimes people change, including him but something’s don't change, including his allegiance. Yamato binds Kabuto with wooden body shackle, and then he forms a wood clone. Naruto asks Sai why he did that, and Sai states he wants to know more about him and Sasuke, he can't forget the feelings he had for his own brother, and watching Naruto may help him deal with it.

Kabuto merely laughs saying they don't know the real Sasuke, he's probably through training inside and resting in his room. There are numerous rooms though, and they may just find Orochimaru's if they're not careful. Inside the compound Yamato says they'll split into two teams, he'll go with Sakura while Naruto and Sai pair. They just need to mold chakra and he can detect them in trouble. Naruto frantically searches through many rooms and then passes out. Sai states they should rest but Naruto is adamant they keep going. He's exhausted from going Kyuubi previously. They rest and Sai tells Naruto he's hasty and loud mouthed like his brother. He had no dignity and he starts to say no penis but catches himself. An enthused Sai holds up his picture book and states his brother was also serious in his work like Naruto. Suddenly he stops talking and states he finally remembers what he wanted to draw in the middle, it's a dream he had. He quickly gets out his brush and ink and finishes the picture. It's he and his brother in their ANBU gear holding hands. Sai genuinely smiles and Naruto grins too. Their moment is cut short as a figure arrives, Orochimaru ponders aloud just whose side Sai is on...

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