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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 316

Kakashi explains how Wind can blow and cut through most anything. Naruto beams stating he's awesome but his teachers tell him he's not there yet. Naruto then asks what type of nature manipulation is Mokuton? Kakashi whispers to Yamato. Yamato steps aside. Forming hand seals a huge earthen hill rises up using Earth, and then using Water he forms a waterfall off of it. Yamato explains he’s adept at both earth and water styles. Naruto states then that he can use two styles too, and Kakashi explains most Jounin level can. So Naruto asks if Wood means he has three. Yamato explains Wood isn't a basic element. Kakashi states he uses both simultaneously, earth chakra in one hand, water in the other.

Naruto is surprised and Yamato explains once learned it's fairly easy to use multiple ones separately. Using them together though is another story. Kakashi explains it usually takes a bloodline limit. The young man named Haku had a bloodline allowing him to make an Ice element out of Water and Wind. Such abilities can't be copied by Sharingan. Naruto then asks about shadow and size manipulation, medical jutsu and genjutsu. Kakashi states those will take awhile to explain. Yamato states those involve dark and light nature manipulation, and they can explained later. Kakashi tells Naruto to place a leaf between the palms of his hands, and then slice it using chakra. Naruto asks how many clones he'll need and Kakashi suggests this whole trees’ leaves worth. Elsewhere Shikamaru and Asuma play shogi. Asuma makes a particularly risky play and Shikamaru asks what the matter is.

Asuma explains sacrifices are sometimes needed to protect the king, and he's finally realized what that means. Asuma states Shikamaru would be a knight, capable of quick and strategic moves. Shikamaru asks what that makes Asuma then, so he points to the pawn. Asuma asks if he knows who the king is. Shikamaru states the Hokage? Asuma states he thought so too, but no. Shikamaru then asks who, and Asuma states the young man will figure it out in time. Back outside the tree is bare of leaves and one clone has made a small tear in a leaf. Kakashi thinks this may go quicker than he thought.

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