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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 317

A gigantic three-tailed turtle emerges from the water. Tobi in an Akatsuki cloak states Deidara can handle him. Deidara says no, being a full-fledged member means taking him on by himself. Tobi takes off and the bijuu follows. He states Kisame should be the one handling a water bijuu. Deidara forms a clay fish which swims near the beast and explodes, sending Tobi flying as well. Back in Konoha Yamato focuses on controlling the Kyuubi's chakra, and Kakashi asks "Tenzou" how it's going. Yamato says he's fine, and asks to be called his codename. The Naruto's are happy one has learned to cut a leaf but they're a bit jealous. Naruto asks Kakashi if there are any other Wind users, and Kakashi refers him to Asuma.

Elsewhere Asuma has lost in Shougi and must now pay for their next meal. Naruto arrives and Asuma explains his surprise at his element being Wind too. He tells Naruto he'll help him if he buys them dinner and Shikamaru states that's cheating. Asuma pulls out his knife and explains its' special metal focuses the users unique chakra. Naruto is handed a knife and told to flow his chakra in. Asuma explains one has to split your chakra and then rub it back together. Naruto asks how these are better than normal cutting weapons. Asuma has them throw the knives at a tree. Naruto's sticks, while Asuma's pierces the tree and buries itself in a rock behind. Asuma explains that he held back, and that a weapon like this gives a ninja an edge in battle. He states Wind is for close and mid-range fighting.

Naruto states his thanks and the Kage Bunshin puffs away to Shikamaru’s surprise. The other Narutos get their instant update from the dispersed clone. In the Admin building the Fire Monk lays out what happened. Shizune states they're looking for a Jinchuuriki. Tsunade strongly states they won't leave the country and tells Shizune to contact the 20 platoons.

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