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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 336

Hidan is angered and Shikamaru has him drop his scythe; the two men then run away from the battle. Kakuzu chides the Leaf nins for letting Shikamaru take him on alone. He would make a nice bounty in the future, but now he's going to die. He states he himself is strong too and that their forehead protectors remind him of the first Konoha ninja he fought, Shodai Hokage. The team is surprised and Kakashi asks if he really is immortal? Kakuzu says no, there's no such thing as immortality in the world. He merely takes the heart of another stronger ninja before his own stops. With his stock of five hearts he's kept on living. And he'll now take Kakashi's to make up for the one he lost! The Katon and Futon mask elementals then combine. Elsewhere Shikamaru has set wire and exploding tags all around him and Hidan.

The shadow bind stops and Hidan gloats this is just how he wanted it, to be alone with him. He charges with his spike and swipes blood which he ingests. He turns into his skeletal outline form, and then stabs his hand to draw the blood needed for his Jashin symbol. He raises the spike to his chest... and we cut back to the masks releasing a huge Wind/Fire attack. Kakashi retreats and releases a wall of water from his mouth, but because Wind was also inside it's not all stopped. Suddenly Kakuzu appears and lassos Kakashi to the ground with his tendrils. Ino and Chouji watch on as Kakuzu prepares to take Kakashi's heart. Elsewhere Hidan has pierced his heart and Shikamaru thinks of Asuma's last words. Shikamaru doubles over clutching his chest. Hidan calls the young man pathetic and states Kakuzu is probably about finished. But as Kakuzu sits on Kakashi ready to pull out his heart, he gravely clutches his own! He groans that he doesn't believe it and Kakashi says oh yes, believe it. Shikamaru knew Hidan required blood so he prepared a blood withdrawing vial. Kakuzu asks when he had the chance, Kakashi states when he hit him with Raikiri he also took some blood. He then retorts, it was Shikamaru who was underestimated and that he couldn't let the information Asuma gave him be wasted. Elsewhere Hidan has turned to go but Shikamaru lifts his head and stares at his opponent intently...

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