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Senin, 02 November 2009

Naruto 337

Hidan moves to leave and turns suddenly to avoid getting his head cut off by Shikamaru. His forehead protector goes flying as a slice is taken out of his neck. Shikamaru extends his shadow to bind him again and Hidan asks why he isn't dead. The young man explains how he quickly placed his partner’s blood on the pike instead. It was his job to trick him. Elsewhere Kakuzu slumps over and Kakashi pulls off the tendrils. Ino tells Kakashi to let her heal him but he says no. The Fuuton and Katon entities charge and Chouji enlarges himself.

He slams them into ground but seconds later they come up from the ground and merge into Kakuzu's back. He offers his surprise at two hearts being taken out. Back at the trap Hidan says any idiot can figure out a jutsu if it keeps getting used on him. He begins to move against the bind and states that Shikamaru’s endurance wanes as the jutsu keeps getting used. Shikamaru falls to his knees and Hidan laughs and raises his pike. We cut back to the other battle and the merged Kakuzu has his three opponents bound in tendril lines. He begins another combo Fuuton and Katon attack but they're suddenly countered by a Water attack and a Wind Element Rasengan! As the dust settles Naruto apologizes for being late, standing between Kakuzu and Team 10 is Team 7!

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