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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Naruto 354

Jiraiya asks what they plan to do after finding Itachi. Kakashi states a single team won't work. Sakura states they have to capture Itachi to keep him as a target for Sasuke and they'll need several teams for that. Kakashi says two teams are ideal, anymore will just cause problems. Jiraiya states they'll need a squad which works well together. Kakashi says yes and asks someone to come in. Elsewhere Team Snake walks through tunnels in an abandoned city. Sasuke states his clan used this place as a weapons storehouse. Karin offers that the place is stuffy and a voice from behind offers surprise. Sasuke greets the two and we see they are cats. The cats ask why Sasuke is here and he states for weapons, medicine and supplies. Suigetsu finds them awesome and moves to pet but it hisses in reply. Sasuke states they're ninja cats and warns him to be careful. One cat asks Sasuke if he brought them anything and he replies yes. The cats then take the group to their elder. Sitting amongst a group of cats is an old cat-like woman. Sasuke states he's returned to pay of his debts and the woman understands that he's going after Itachi. Another young woman measures Juugo for clothes. The elder can't believe the two brothers are the last of their clan and are going to fight each other. Sasuke says the decision was made long ago and hands her money.

The young woman states they have no clothes in Juugo's size and the elder retorts just throw a curtain on him. Juugo rips down a curtain and wraps it like a cloak. Elsewhere a new eye opens on the King of Hell and the Yonbi Jinchuuriki lies dead. Deidara asks who to go after next and Tobi asks of the choices. Deidara says either the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki or Sasuke. Tobi says why bother, their tasks are done. Deidara retorts he still owes both Naruto and Kakashi, and he was supposed to kill Orochimaru, not Sasuke. Deidara tells him to move and Tobi grudgingly complies. Kisame asks Itachi if he's okay with that. Elsewhere Team Snake in cloaks stands while the rain falls. In Konoha Kakashi states they're having some nasty weather. Gathered in rain coats are Team 7 under Yamato and Team 8 under Kakashi. Naruto yells for everyone to move out and Kiba offers his hope that the rain will cool off Naruto's hot-head.

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