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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Naruto 355

The Leaf teams land on a roof and Kakashi directs them to search in a five mile radius, if nothing is found they'll move to another location. Sakura states that's out of wireless range and may pose a danger. Yamato tells her not to worry and Kakashi summons his nin-dog pack. Pakkun states they can pick up their voices at that range and smell danger before it comes. Kakashi directs two dogs to each patrol as bodyguards. Two dogs pair off and greet Sakura, while two more move to Shino. Sai greets his two but they look on warily. Naruto asks what of him and Kakashi states he's a target. Yamato will join him along with Hinata as scout and the biggest dog Bull since he's loud. Bull woofs in understanding and Hinata tells Naruto they should do their best. Kiba will go alone with Akamaru and Kakashi states Pakkun will go with him. He states Sasuke is the prime target with Akatsuki second, if either is found they need to report back. The teams then jump and split away. Elsewhere Suigetsu and Juugo take their leave. Karin moves close to Sasuke but he rebukes her affection.

Elsewhere Deidara examines his reattached arm and Tobi asks who their target is. Both men board two clay carrier birds and Deidara says who indeed. At an exchange building a guard asks Suigetsu his business and the young man smiles. Inside a business man hears a racket and his lackey is sent to investigate. He opens the door and suddenly both men are pinned to the wall by Suigetsu's sword. Suigetsu asks if he's correct that the businessman was Kakuzu's accountant. He looks on in fear and says he'll tell him anything. Outside a bird sits on Juugo's hand and he tells it he should probably talk to them first. His level one form extends and the various teams continue their tracking. One of Sakura's dogs states he faintly smells Sasuke. Somewhere above Deidara uses his range finder to spy on a target below. He states he found them and Tobi is surprised how quick it was. They then move to attack. Naruto's team walks down a path while a form stalks them from the shadow of a tree, while elsewhere Sasuke stands alone while another shadow looks on at him...

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