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Kamis, 05 November 2009

Naruto 469

As Bee raps about his ability to destroy Kisame, Ponta moves to attack. Elsewhere Ao sheds his Zetsu spore and some distance away so do Danzou and his men. The Root discuss laying a trap for their pursuer. As Ao rushes on, a puppet moves to attack. Ao catches a thrown scythe and launches it back into the puppet. A curse mark on the puppet fades away and Ao suddenly finds himself looking out at his own body from within the puppet. Fuu, now in Ao's body, explains the body-swap jutsu. Elsewhere Torune carries Fuu's body and Danzou states he'll explain their next move when Fuu arrives.

At the Summit, Mifune states that he was hasty before in judging Raikage, and he believes that he should lead the alliance. He points out that Raikage is calmer now that his brother is fine and that he's the only one who can control Killer Bee. Gaara and the Mizukage state they are fine with that choice, and Raikage says it all lies on Tsuchikage, who is the only one to have fought Madara before. Tsuchikage accepts, stating that old grudges won't mean much if the world is destroyed. He formerly declares the alliance and states they now have to inform their Daimyous. At the inn, Naruto asks Sakura to repeat herself. Lee and Yamato are shocked while the others watch silently. Sakura declares that she loves Naruto and that she was crazy to every care about Sasuke.

Naruto blushes but then composes himself, asking her why now? Sakura explains that she came to her senses; Sasuke is a criminal so Naruto doesn't have to chase him any longer. Naruto asks if something happened, and she states everything is just clear to her now. Thinking back, Naruto recalls all the times Sakura worried and became emotionally wrought over Sasuke. She embraces Naruto and explains that as Sasuke got further away, Naruto always remained by her side encouraging her. Naruto is a hero who everyone loves, including her. She watched him grow from a prankster into something wonderful, while Sasuke’s crimes continued and he became unrecognizable. Naruto remains silent and Sakura explains that he brings her peace, she loves... Naruto quickly breaks the embrace and tells her to stop it. Sakura asks what the problem is, and offers that everyone says a woman's heart is prone to change. Grasping her by the shoulders, Naruto declares that he hates people who lie to themselves...

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