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Kamis, 05 November 2009

Naruto 470

Sakura asks if Naruto is saying she's lying. She offers that if Naruto doesn't like her back, he should just say it. Naruto replies that's it's just weird she came all the way for that reason. She yells that of course she'd come, Naruto has been putting himself in danger and she's worried for him. Naruto is silent but then offers that it all sounds like an excuse. Sakura says he doesn't know anything; Sasuke is a criminal so Naruto can forget his promise. Naruto offers he knows why Sasuke is seeking revenge; he loved his family and can't let it go. Kiba asks why Sasuke joined Akatsuki then. Naruto says the truth is... but Kakashi stops Naruto. The other Leaf are confused and we flash back to see Kakashi and Naruto speaking after Madara left.

Kakashi suggests they keep the information about the Leaf elders wiping out the Uchiha a secret until they gather more evidence. In the present, Naruto says he's going to continue but not because of the promise he made to Sakura. Kiba quietly asks Sakura if they should tell Naruto the truth. Sakura stomps his foot and announces they're returning home. Sakura's team turns to leave and she silently apologizes to Naruto. Some distance away a second Sai watches the team depart. As they walk Sakura asks a favor of Kiba, she wants to find Sasuke. Elsewhere the Kage travel with their attendants. Kurotsuchi asks why they just don't kill the Hachibi and Kyuubi, as it would ruin Madara's plan and weaken Cloud and Leaf. Kurotsuchi then states that Tsuchikage doesn't sound like himself. Recalling Gaara's words about when he lost his way, Tsuchikage reveals that he finally remembered how he was before he became a hard-headed old man. Elsewhere Ponta is sent onto his back and Kisame calls him weak for such a big bear.

Sabu jumps down with his giant axe and states Ponta is a raccoon, now feel his passion! Remembering Sabu's earlier teachings, Bee writes down that now is apparently the time for passion. Kisame charges Sabu but is quickly forced to dodge as a Raiton-charged pencil comes flying at his eye. He turns to attack Bee, who dodges. He quickly deduces that the Raiton greatly increased the penetrating force, more than a Fuuton would. As Sabu attacks from the front, Bee charges from the rear with Raiton infused daggers. One pierces Kisame's shoulder but the other is deflected by Samehada. Both men are confused why the knives didn't pierce well. Bee goes into his tailed form and head-butts Kisame. The Akatsuki member smiles back and Bee asks what he did to his chakra. Sabu yells out that the sword is absorbing it. Samehada tingles with excitement and Kisame states that his sword likes the taste of octopus chakra. Bee retreats and all the bandages fall away from Samehada. Flaring out, the scales expand excitedly. Kisame announces his name and asks them to remember it...

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