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Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Naruto 503

Tobi is slammed into the earth but then quickly retreats, holding his bloody arm. The arm begins to melt off and in an instant Minato holds one of his marked kunai to Tobi's chest. The masked man theorizes he was marked by one of Minato's teleport seals while Minato touches Tobi's chest with his free hand, causing a new seal to appear. Tobi asks if Minato's trying to free the Kyuubi from his control, to which the Hokage says he already has. Elsewhere the Kyuubi roars as the Sharingan mind control fades. A gathering of ninja try to combat the beast, including two wounded parents begging their son to flee.

Iruka pleas to stay and help but his father tells him to escape while he can. A group ninja lead by Sandaime manage to force the Kyuubi outside of the village, and he directs them to keep fighting. Elsewhere Tobi stands above Minato and compliments him on both wounding and ending his control of the Kyuubi in one move. He then offers that the Kyuubi will be his again someday and the world will bow to his will. The man swirls from existence as Minato looks on, confident the man was not lying. At the Kyuubi the Leaf continue to battle, with Iruka being quickly spirited away.

Amongst trees marked with barrier seals, a ninja directs the young ninja before him to remain. He offers it's an internal matter which they should avoid. Kurenai yells out that such talk is foolish, as they can help. Her father offers that shinobi may not have long lives, but they must protect their young to insure another generation will come about so they can pass on the will of fire. The Kyuubi once again compresses chakra for a blast, as the Hokage watch in worry. The Kyuubi is quickly squashed into the ground by Gamabunta, as the gathering ninja rejoice at Yondaime's arrival.

The Kyuubi continues compressing chakra and Minato directs Gamabunta to hold the beast while he can, as he needs to gather enough chakra to teleport them out of there. Sandaime watches on as both Minato and the Kyuubi suddenly vanish, reappearing on the horizon. Minato holds a weakened Kushina who is bleeding from her mouth and directs her to erect a barrier. She states her chakra's almost gone but manages to release binding chains which briefly subdue the beast. Naruto cries in Minato's arms and Kushina apologizes to her son for waking him.

She tells her husband that she'll drag the Kyuubi back inside her and die, which will prevent the Kyuubi from reconstituting itself for some period of time. She smiles and thanks her husband for everything. A stunned Minato states she made him into a worthy husband, Hokage and father. She tells her husband to not look sad, as she is happy, because he loved her and it’s her son’s birthday. She offers that the thought of the three of them living together makes her happy. Minato begins to cry and Kushina says her one regret will be in not seeing Naruto grow up. Minato is silent, but then states they can use their chakra to see Naruto one more time.

He states they'll seal a portion of her chakra into Naruto using the Uzumaki Clan Hakke no Fuuin Shiki and he’ll then lead the Kyuubi away and use the Shiki Fuujin. Kushina realizes the result of such a jutsu and cries out, but Minato states he will be unable to seal the whole thing away for good, at best he can get half of it. Allowing the Kyuubi to reappear and roam free would upset the balance of power among the villages, but the Shiki Fuujin will permanently end half of the Kyuubi's power. Minato thinks back to a conversation with Jiraiya, where the Sannin tells his young pupil that he may be the child of destiny who will be the world's savior.

Minato was confused but in the present he considers its new meaning, stating he'll seal the other half of the Kyuubi's power using the Hakke no Fuuin Shiki. Kushina is stunned but Minato says he knows what's on her mind. He offers that Jiraiya spoke of a world in danger, and the masked man they saw tonight was the harbinger of these events. He states that Naruto will be the one to stop this man, a Jinchuuriki who will blaze a trail to a new future. Sandaime appears nearby as Kushina begins to try and change her husband's mind. Minato lays Naruto on the ground and begins to form the needed hand seals, quickly calling forth the Shinigami which takes form behind him. He asks his wife to have faith, as Naruto is their son after all...

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