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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Naruto 504

Minato states he'll use Kushina's remaining chakra to seal the Kyuubi, which will also allow her to visit Naruto later in life and help him control the Kyuubi. Kushina states she doesn't want him to bear such a burden alone. Minato is silent, and Kushina screams out, demanding to know why he has to sacrifice himself, just so she can see Naruto briefly later in life. Minato offers that turning ones back on country and village is as bad as abandoning ones child. But they are a family of shinobi. And he isn't a good substitute for Kushina anyway, even if she can only see Naruto briefly. So it just isn't for her, it's for Naruto as well.

Dying to make a better life for one's son is a father's duty. A distance away, Sandaime watches on as the Shiki Fuujin markings appear on Minato's body. He recognizes the jutsu and is unable to penetrate the barrier to assist further. The Shinigami reaches through Minato to withdraw a portion of the Kyuubi's power and the beast curses the Hokage. The chakra is ripped out and sealed into Minato, leaving him weakened. The shinobi watching with Sandaime note the Kyuubi shrank in size, having been substantially de-powered. Minato summons the ceremonial throne and lifts Naruto.

The Kyuubi understands Minato's plan and attempts to break free from Kushina's chains. Minato calls out for her to stay with him as the Kyuubi swipes a death blow towards Naruto. Before his nail can pierce Naruto, both parents throw themselves between the claw and Naruto, stopping its nail as it pierces their bodies. Kushina smiles, offering that if the father can sacrifice himself, a mother can do it better. Sandaime wonders if the child they saved was theirs and the Kyuubi cries out again. Kushina offers though that Minato won the argument, and he thanks her.

Wiping blood he summons Gerotora, and states he's leaving the key to the seal with him. He directs him to go to Jiraiya and the toad takes his leave. Sandaime recognizes that Naruto is to be the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and the Shinigami completes his preparations. Minato offers that he'll now perform the seal, and that he'll leave some of his chakra to help Naruto as well. He then offers that they don't have much time, so if she has anything to say... Kushina greets her son, and directs him to eat well and grow into a strong boy. To make a lot of real friends and study his Ninjutsu.

Don't feel bad if you fail at anything, and make sure to listen to your teachers. Avoid the three shinobi vices: Don't borrow money, don't drink until you're 20, and try not to pick up a weird girlfriend, find someone like mom. And watch out for Jiraiya! Minato smiles and Kushina tells her son that he'll experience a lot of suffering, but he needs to remember who he is and find a goal in life. Now crying, she offers that she has so much more she wants to say to him but she loves him. She then apologizes to Minato for using all their time but he says that's okay.

He greets Naruto and tells him to listen to his motor-mouth mother and then performs the seal. We fade away on baby Naruto and return to the present, as Kushina apologizes to Naruto. She states she left him with such a heavy burden and wasn't there to help him. Naruto tells her not to apologize, times were hard but he never blamed them for it. He never knew a parent's love but he managed, but he understands now. He lives today because of they gave their lives for him.

Kushina begins to cry and Naruto offers that they filled his vessel with love before they put the Kyuubi in him, so he's happy and healthy today because of that. And for that reason he's glad he's their son. Kushina reaches out to embrace her son and asks Minato if he heard that their love reached Naruto. As she begins to fade away she thanks Naruto for letting her be his mom, and for letting Minato be his dad. And thanks for being their son... As she fades away for good, tears begin to flow from Naruto's eyes...

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