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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

Madara is hit by Minato's Rasengan. Minato uses this oppertunity to put the Hiraishin mark on Madara's body. Madara's left hand is injured.

Madara leaves, but using the marking, Minato immediately stabs him with a kunai. Minato places a contract seal on Madara. With this contract seal, Madara cannot call on the Nine-Tails any more.

The Sharingan patterns in the Nine-Tails' eyes dissappear.
IrukaMama is wounded and protecting Iruka.
IrukaPapa: "run away."
Iruka: "I have to stay with mummy and daddy~~~"

Konoha is being destroyed. The Nine-Tails goes outside of Konoha. First the Sandaime, then everyone else attacks. Madara says "Somehow the Nine-Tails will be mine," while teleporting away. Iruka is taken away by an unknown jounin. KurenaiPapa persuades Kurenai, Kakashi, and Guy with the same things the Nidaime said to Danzou and Hiruzen. The Nine-Tails spits out a Cero, but Minato summons Gamabunta. Minato talks about how Kushina can supressing the Nine-Tails, if only for a little while, and uses his space-time ninjutsu to move far away.
Sounensuki says (12:39):
The place he jumped to is where Naruto and Kushina are.
Minato: "I'm starting to run out of chakra."
Kushina: "I'll lay down my life to capture the Nine-Tails with my chains."
Naruto cries.
Kushina resolves herself. "I'll drag the Nine-Tails with me into death."

Minato confesses his love. Kushina confesses her love. Minato cries. Minato's resolve is different from Kushina's. He uses her chakra to create a Hakke Fuuin, so she can meet Naruto again. He's going to use Shiki Fuujin on the Nine-Tails. Kushina is stopped. Minato will seal only half of the Nine-Tails inside of himself and will seal the other half inside Naruto with the Hakke Fuuin. This child will open up the future. After all, he is our son. He makes the hand seals. Shiki Fuujin!!

Apparently Minato cannot seal the entire Kyūbi inside himself for physical and strategic purposes. It gives no reason why he only sealed half in Naruto, though rasengan explodes. Madara steps back. Regenerating the Left hand? minato however, already having put a marking somewhere on madaras body draws up to him on a jyutsu again. minato however, having put a marking somewhere on madaras body already draws up to him on a jyutsu again.
he puts a contract seal (a seal that makes/annuls a deal?) madara, which makes 9b free from madara and regain its usual eyes.

Irukas mother on the brink of death worries about iruka. Iruks father goes 'u leave mother to me and run away'. 'I don't wanna leave alone. I defend mum' says iruka.. 'Dont be puffed up, kid. Its parents duty to protect their kids!' cries the father.The third ponders where minato is. with other shinobis he drives 9b out of the village and sets about further attacks(/and moreover, goes on the offence.) Madara disappears saying '9b will be mine eventually'. 'the feel... he doesnt say it for a joke (/he means it)'...says minato. The rasengan works against the masked man.

The fourth makes sure he’s dead then quickly runs toward the village. The masked man suddenly forms with a tree juice(sry guys.my English sucks.but I can comfirm u tat this ability has something to do with zetsu.).The masked man appears behind the fourth and the fourth is shocked. The third hokage stops kyuubi by using a doton jutsu. Kakashi and a group of anbu is ready to attack. Gai,chouji’s father and shikamaru’s father is also ready to attack. Danzou appears behind konoha. Minato hits the rasengan on madara at the same time puts a hiraishin marking on madaras body, madara got wounded in the left hand, madara although he gets off, soon gets stabbed by minto with kunai via the marking. Minato puts a contract sealing on madara. With the contract sealing 9b stops obeying madara. The sharingan marks disappears from 9bs eyes.

Iruka-mama gets injured protecting iruka, Iruka papa 'run away!' (to iruka). Iruka is like 'no, unless with dad and mum ~~~~'. Konoha is falling apart. 9b goes out of the village, with the third in the lead everyone attacks. Madara dysons(fade) out with a parting shot ie '9b will be mine eventually'. Iruka is taken away by some jonin. kurenais papa persuades kurenai kakashi and gai. Of things like the 2nd said to danzo hiruzen n co. 9b tries to breath the chakra ball and minato summons gamabunta. Minato asks bunta to hold in 9b for a short while and on time-n-space ninjutsu flies to the place where naruto n kushina are. Minato s running short of chakra.

Kushina although breathing very feebly brings out the chains and captures 9b, narutos cries. Kushina is decided in her mind and says shes gonna take 9b with her and die. Mnato makes confession of love (to kushina), kushina makes confession of love (to minato). minato cries in tears ,the determination of minato becomes different from kushinas. Kushinas chakra is for the reunion with naruto. into hakke fuin 9bs chakra is to be shikifuujined. Kushina tells him not to, minato is sealing half of 9b into himself.And the other half into naruto with hakke fuin. He(naruto) will open up the future, because hes our son no matter what, you know. and makes the seal. SHKI-JUJIN!

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