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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

Kushina opposes Minato's use of Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina: I don't want to burden Naruto/my son. I want Minato to live and watch Naruto grow, while I alone die. There is no need for you to sacrifice yourself for me.
Minato: Forsaking the village, forsaking my country, forsaking my son - they are all the same to me. You should understand, because your own country was destroyed. Besides, our family are "shinobi"!! You, as his mother, cannot win. This is not for your sake, but for Naruto's sake!!

There is already the shinigami (death god) behind Minato.
Minato: I'm alright with dying if it is for my son. That is also one of the roles a father can perform.

Sandaime and the Kyuubi are staring/glaring at each other. Sandaime puts up a barrier so that the Kyuubi cannot escape. The shinigami's hand extends forth from Minato's stomach. The Kyuubi senses the danger. Minato perfoms the seal. The Kyuubi is in pain. Minato comes close to breathing his last. Sandaime senses that it is not enough to seal everything. Minato begins preparations for the Hakke Fuuin (eight trigrams seal).
Kyuubi: Getting sealed by such a kid... I won't take this lying down!

Kushina comes close to breathing her last. Kyuubi tries to attack Naruto with all he has. Kyuubi's arm pierces Minato. Kushina enters the fray, so that the Kyuubi will not be able to reach Minato.
Minato: I said this was something his father could do
Kushina: Then all the more I, as his mother, should do this. This is the first time I've lost any of our (lovers') quarrels, isn't it?
Minato: Thank you, Kushina

Minato summons Gamatora and passes him the key to be kept with Jiraiya (TN: the one that Jiraiya uses to unlock the seal to help Naruto with training on Myoubokuzan)
Sandaime: I finally understand the situation at hand.

Gamatora disappears. Minatot tells kushina to be a help to naruto when naruto's controlling the 9b power, for his sealing kushinas chakra in naruto. To which kushina tells that she doesnt want to load down their son with the burden. You neednt die to make me see the growing naruto and just for the bare seconds. I wanted you to watch over narutos growth by his side.' Theres no need to sacrifice yourself and naruto for the country and me' kushina continues. To abandon ones country or village is as good as to abandon ones child. you having gone through the fall of your own country, should know what kind of life the kid would live. And we, the family is shinobi.' says minato. 'I cant beat you being the mother. I cant compete a bit with the mother in the capability to pass things on to naruto. Thats your role and to be done for narutos sake not for yours. I can die for the son….thats the role even a father can do.' says minato.

The third comes near to 9b. while he realizes that shikifujin is used, he cant come into the shield made to keep 9b in. Minato seals 9b with shikifujin. Next he sets himself about hake fuuin but 9b who cant stand to be sealed in a baby tries to stab (the baby) at the moment kushina staggers to have the chains loosened. That is stopped by the two, Kushina and minato who get pierced with the 9b nail.'I said even a father can do this role.' Says minato. 'a mother can more so.' says kushina. Knowing that minato who protects naruto at the risk of his life, is firm with his determination, Kushina accepts minatos proposal. 'this is the first time I lost in our quarrels.' Minato calls up gama-Tora on a kuchiyose, passes the key to the fuin shiki (the sealing formula) and asks it to store itself in jiraiya.

The third notices that minatos up to making naruto a jinchuriki of 9b to save the village. Minato says he wants to work a bit of his own chakra into naruto and suggests that they should have their says for naruto now. Kushina goes, 'not to be picky about what you eat and eat a lot. Take a bath every day and warm yourself. make friends you can trust, even if not many. Study hard and do ninjyutsu hard, everyone has their strong points and weak points so, dont get disheartened to see you arent good at something. At the academy, be deferential to your teachers. As the nins 3must-nots (vetos) say be careful with having accounts to settle. Your earnings from missions are for your savings. drink(Alcohol) only after youre 20. And within bonds.

Dont fall into the snares of a dubious woman but find someone like me. Talking bout the 3 vetoes, watch out for jiraiya sensei.''Although there still will be loads of hardships and agonies ahead of you. Keep being yourself, have dreams and be confident in yourself whos making them come true. And more and more, I want to tell you many other things. Id love to be with you. I love you' kushina continues. Sorry minato im so being me me me…''nah. thats alright.' says minato with a smile. (to) 'Naruto…fathers(my)words for you are…the same as the fussy mums, I guess.' then, hakkefuin….....The end of the flashback.

Back to the present, kushinas apologetic for having made naruto a container of 9b and having charged naruto with a heavy burden, not having been able to live with him and not having been able to pour affection on him. Naruto 'although I had hard times for being a jinchuriki, I never have blamed my parents. I didnt understand parents' love well, but you 2 gave yourselves to me. Now that i know that love's been there in my container too before 9b, i'm happy!! im blessed in being a child of you 2.' says naruto smiling all over.

To hear that, kushina in tears tells minato that their wishes have been already passed on to naruto.and while fading out she leaves these words 'naruto thank you for making me a mother. thank you for making minato a father. Thank you very much for your being born to us.'Narutos eyes are brimming with tears.

Naruto 485 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 486 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 487 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 488 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 489 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 490 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 491 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 493 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 494 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 495 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 496 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 497 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 501 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 506 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 508 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 509 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 510 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 511 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 512 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 513 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 514 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 515 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 516 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 517 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 518 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 519 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 520 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

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