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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

Naruto: Good bye Mom, I am soo HAPPY I got to meet you!!!
(Naruto arises from his victory over the nine tails and stands to confront Yamato and Killer Bee)
Bee: Well done Kiddo, I knew you had it in you!!!
Yamato: GREAT Job Naruto, You have complete control over the 9 tails now!!!
Naruto: Yes, I have control , I also have an understanding of why I came to bear this power. Both my mother and father entrusted the 9tails to me so that I may one day control its power, I also know that my mother was the previous Jinchuuriki and that my birth was long awaited for, Not just by my parents, But the Masked man was at my birth and he used me as a tool to wrest control from my mother!
Yamato: You spoke with your Mother Nartuo!!!
Naruto: Yes she told me about how that masked nin that claims to be Madara, and how he was the one who caused my parents to die!! and the one that put me in control of this beast!
Yamato: it all makes sense now, Madara wanted to control the ninetails and have it finish the job he could not do when fighting against the First!! But he understimated the Fourth hokage, and was stopped yet again!!
Naruto: Yes!! he is the source of this worlds Pain!! and he has dragged soo many of us into the spiral of hate with him!! He needs to be stopped, and I will be the one to stop him!! I will usemy parents gift and sacrifice to stop him once and for all!!! He will regret ever taking my family from me!!
Bee: And I will be there to help you little man!!
Naruto: You hear that Akatsuki!! since you are soo good at hiding yourself, Maybe you should come out and show yourself!! (Naruto with Sage Eyes on is focused on Bee's Sword!! )
Bee: HUH?? what you talkin bout!! Aint no way an Akatsuki here, they would have tripped the alarm!!
Naruto: Oh I dont know about that, why dont you take off that sword Bee, He's hiding right there inside of it!! thats why he didnt trip the alarm!! But In sage mode I can clearly sense Two distinct chakras!! He was just able to hide it because that sword had been absorbing chakra from him throughout the years!!
Kisame(Damn that kid!! not only does he now have control over the NineTails, But he has sensory skills unlike any sensor type ninja I have come accross, well I think its time to show myself now that I have been made!! )

(Kisame's face pops into view at the end of Samehada: HAHAAHA Naruto, You have certainly grown to be a big threat, but I am here to offer you the option of joining us!! Madara has everyone's best interest at heart and he wants to create everlasting peace!!! )
Bee: what the Heck man, This Shark man was supposed to have died back at our battle!! (Bee then tosses Samehada out into the open)

(Kisame fully emerges with sword in hand)
Kisame: You fool 8 tails, I had all of you fooled, if it were not for Naruto, everything would have gone as planned!! But now that I have Samehada under my control again, I will defeat both of you and bring you back to Madara!!

(Before Kisame can make his preparations for battle, Madara teleports to them)
Madara: Kisame, Not now, I need you and two Jinchuriki's will be too much for you to handle!!

(As Madara Appears, Naruto Makes his move with the quickest of reflexes, and using the power of the kyuubi to boost his movement goes to strike Madara). Madara had barely avoided by becoming intangible, but a sudden chill creeps down his spine as he worries for the first time in a long time!!
Madara: Naruto, You are definitely your Fathers son!! I havent seen speed like that in a long time!!
Naruto: if Im not mistaken My father beat you at your own technique!!! and Im here to finish the Job, You will stay defeated this time though!!
Madara: (with a hint of Anger) Oh you will try!! but just like the first hokage, and the fourth hokage, I helped to cause their deaths!! so You will be no different!!
Naruto: The way I see it, is you chose the cowards path by running away from your enemies!! If this is what you call a victory then your the king of the cowards victory method!!!

Yamato(What is Naruto doing!!! this is madara we are dealing with and he wants to anger him into a fight)
Bee: (Hooo Boy If that doesnt keep him around to fight then I dont know what will!! )
Kisame: Madara let us end this now, Together we can defeat them Now!! dont let this kid insult you like this!!
Madara: Shut Up Kisame!! Naruto, you are definitely brave to insult me like this, but your Fight will be against Sasuke!! I will get him ready for your battle, and I will enjoy watching him defeat and embarras you!!

(Madara then grabs Kisame and warps away)
Bee: Naruto My main man!! Nice way to get the enemy angry and ready to fight!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Naruto: Too bad he left, I wanted to end this war now!! But now I think I will take some time to review my dads Jutsu's, I will have to learn the Flying thunder God technique to even stand a chance against Madara, And maybe I can take it a step further just like how I created the RasenShuriken!!
Yamato: (This is a Naruto I have never seen before!! I could not even notice his movements he was sooo fast!! He has completely changed!! I must notify Tsunade, he will be needed in this war, and is probably the only one to have the ability to stop it!!)

Next on Naruto:
Naruto readies himself to go back to Myobokuzan to further train, and his goal is Teleportation!!!

Naruto 485 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 486 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 487 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 488 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 489 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 490 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 491 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 492 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 493 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 494 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 495 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 496 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 497 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 498 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 499 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 500 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 501 RAW Spoilers and Predictions - Naruto 502 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 503 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 504 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 505 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 506 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 508 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 509 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 510 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 511 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 512 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 513 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 514 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 515 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 516 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 517 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 518 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 519 RAW Spoilers and Prediction - Naruto 520 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

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