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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Naruto 507 RAW Spoilers and Prediction

Naruto 507: Wonder Gate Unleashed, Gai and Kisame’s Fight Reaches Its Conclusion

(The scene starts off focusing on Kisame, who is prepping his giant shark missile.)
Kisame: (in thought) “Simple-minded beast, that’s all he is. It was already too late, the moment I put that scroll into the mouth of my summoned shark, even now, it has probably already transported its self to the relay station. It was a clever trick, mixing my summoned shark amongst my man eating sharks.”

(Kisame’s jutsu has finished preparation, and fire’s off a large, Great White equivalent, chakra type missile at fast velocities towards Gai, however, without a second wasted, the projectile is instantly pulverized by a large claw, belonging to the Afternoon Tiger. Kisame is amazed and tries to gather more chakra to fire off another missile using the casing around him. instantly, Gai, who is incased in his large chakra shaped Tiger, appears in front of Kisame, who is still engulfed in his shark casing.)
Kisame (in thought): “Too fast, I can't get off another shot!”

(Immediately, the large shark and tiger lock jaws with each other as bursting waves of chakra rattles the water from the impact. Without even realizing it, Gai has moved from his position inside his armored tiger, to inside Kisame’s guard, as the armored tiger vanishes.)
Kisame (in thought): “Shit…”

(The panel then focuses on both of Gai’s palms being forced out of Kisame’s back. The scene then cuts to the front, Gai pulls his hands out as the scene switches to the recent past which reveals his palms to have been shrouded in pale chakra, shaped in the likeness of tiger paws prior to tearing into Kisame’s torso)
(The scene switches back to the present as the armored shark fades into the water as Kisame is sinking to the bottom of the sea. Gai emerges from the water, up to his waist and takes a breath, close up on Gai’s face shows that blood is trickling down his nose, mouth, and ears. Gai looks into the reflection beaconing off of the water and also notices that his skin is splitting above his forehead and near his cheeks.)
Gai (in thought): “Youth… Am I really getting-?” (Gai then takes a dip back into the water and searches for the scroll. The scene switches over to Kisame, he is continuing to sink, blood is flowing out of his two huge hole like wounds.)
Kisame (in thought): “Beaten by that brainless ape, miserable.”

(The scene switches to the distance past, a young Kisame, who looks like a pale human, is dressed in the casual Mist attire with katana hanging off his back. He stands amongst many other figures, whose faces aren’t shown due to obscuring. They all then face each other and pull out Kunai, swords, and prepare handseals. The scene focuses on Kisame’s face, he has a grin that stretches from ear to ear. Scene then cuts to after the battle, Kisame has multiple shuriken lodge into his legs and arms, he has a Kunai in each shoulder. Kisame is also covered in cuts and drenched in blood. He stands amongst the slaughtered men, the last one standing. The scene switches over to outside the Mizugakure HQ, the entrance is guarded by two guards, who are dressed in cloaks with their faces being unimportant; though their hoods hang off.)
Guard 1: “You look a mess, how dare you approach the lord in your condition?”
Guard 2: “You ruffian, Hoshigaki, get lost or I’ll kill you where you stand, cretin!”
Kisame: “Tell the Mizukage that I’m ready for the compatibility testing. I’m going to be the wielder of Samehada!”

(Both of them are blown away in shock.)
Guard 1: “WHAT!?”
Guard2: “That’s impossible! How did a low-life like you survive the-”
Kisame: “It’ll be best that you two tell him as soon as possible, I want to get the treatment done by morning. If I’m not contacted by then, well, I’ll take your failure as reason enough for your deaths.”

(Kisame cracks a slight smile much to the annoyance of the guards. The scene then switches to some years down the line, Kisame, Sasori, Zetsu, Orochimaru, Konan, and Pain are all in Akatuski uniforms and surrounding the new member, Uchiha Itachi.)
Pain: “Welcome to the unit, Uchiha Itachi!”
Konan: “Hmph!”
Light Zetsu: “Oh, just like Tob-“
Dark Zetsu: “QUIET YOU FOOL…”
Orochimaru (in thought): “A runt, an Uchiha runt, Pain won’t fret if a kid like him ends up missing; he is just a kid… Perfect…”
Sasori: “I don’t like that look of his, it’s too condescending. Leader, I’m not certain both of us will live.”
Pain: “You’ll live because I say so.”
Kisame: “A brat with a chip on his shoulder huh! Hey kid, lighten up a bit ehh?” (Kisame walks over to Itachi and touches his shoulder, however, Itachi activates sharingan quickly and pushes Kisame’s hand to the side and withdraws his short-sword and places it near Kisame’s neck as Kisame leads backwards and pulls out Samehada and quickly slashes downwards with one hand, however, Itachi appears to Kisame’s side and prepares to thrust but Pain immediately pops in the middle disarms Itachi by smacking the blade out of his hand, Kisame grins, however, Pain stares Kisame down with those frightening Rinnegan looking eyes..)
Kisame: “Shessh, what did I do? I just tried to give him a warm welcome and he went berserk.”
Pain: “Don’t mess around, he almost killed you.”
Kisame: “That squirt? He’s strong, I’ll give him that, but I was just going easy on him, relax.” (Orochimaru licks his lips while staring at Itachi.)
Pain: “Learn to get along, from now on, the two of you will be paired together as Itachi’s skills are a great foil to your own.”
Kisame: “Watcha tryin to say boss, that you don’t like how I do my job?”
Konan: “That’s exactly it.”
Kisame: “Who asked you, woman?”

(Orochimaru bursts out into laughter.)
Orochimaru: “Ku, ku, ku, ku! At least it’s never boring here.”
Pain: “Kisame, you’re one of the best here, but you’re too reckless with your chakra and you aren’t level headed enough. A guy like Itachi will lead to many fewer suspicions about us.” (The scene then switches over to more years down the line. Itachi and Kisame are in an area which is being overly hit with rain. The 4 tailed host is under a tree, collapsed. Kisame glances over at Itachi.)
Kisame (in thought): “Still, the same look… Even after all those years, I haven’t seen this guy joke around…” (Itachi notices Kisame’s stare and calls him on it.)
Itachi: “What is it?”
Kisame: “Ha, ha… It’s nothing… But seriously, what’s the deal?”
Itachi: “Hmm?”
Kisame: “Your face, it’s always plain, un-lively… Are you not enjoying what you do?”
Itachi: “I kill because I have to, not because I like to. Those who constantly smile are doing so to conceal their deepest regrets they’ve made in their lives. The only time when smiling really matters, is before one dies. No one will save face to lie to their selves to the grave. Can you honestly tell me that you can smile after all the things you’ve done?”

(The scene switches back to the present. Kisame goes into thought.)
Kisame: (in thought) “I heard Itachi smiled before he died… That’s good, wish I could have seen it… Can I really do it, in the end?” (Kisame notices that Gai is swimming aimlessly amongst the abyss of water. Kisame then touches his wounds.) Silly, that ridiculous host’s chakra allowed me to recover this much, but it’ll be only good for-…” (Kisame starts making handseals, a man eating shark quietly forms. Kisame extends his hand as the shark stealthily swims closer and closer towards Gai’s location. Gai turns around and is instantly bitten in his right side by a man eating shark and locks on tightly to his body.)
Gai (in thought): “I thought he was dead?” (Blood flows out of Gai’s mouth, however, the shark then dissipates as Gai floats through the water in pain and agony as the water turns to a dark hue. Gai spews up blood but hasn’t died yet as bubbles expel from him. Kisame’s monologue then appears.)
Kisame: “Every time I kill someone with my own hands, a deep sensation wells up inside. It was happiness. I was happy that it wasn’t me.”

(The scene focuses on Kisame’s face, which holds a grin that stretches from ear to ear.). (The man who only achieved satisfaction through killing others, a deranged shark creature, named Hoshigaki Kisame.)
(The scene switches over to Yamato and Naruto, they are running across the water towards Gai’s position.)

Naruto 508: Will Naruto and Yamato save Gai from falling victim to the vast waters?

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